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FREEDOM FRIDAY: The prosperous circulation of giving and receiving

Updated: Feb 6, 2022


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"When you do it the right way, with the right mindset, when you get rid of the guilt and the shame and realize that giving and receiving are both important and allow you to get in that flow of abundance, to build more freedom, more prosperity in your life and to do it without the grind."

In today's Freedom Friday episode, Curt looks back on his past two interviews — with Troy Casey and Dr. Joe Vitale — on the common theme of GIVING as a prosperity tool, especially when combined with, as Bob Burg and John David Mann write in The Go-Giver, is combined with the Law of Receptivity.

Check out our previous interviews with:

Here's the full, unedited transcript of this episode:

Hey, freedom lovers. This is the Freedom Media Network. I am your host Curt Mercadante, coming to you from my meditation garden on the side of my house today. Hope you are having an abundant week. In today's freedom Friday episode, I want to talk about a common theme with our previous two guests, Troy Casey, the certified health nut, and Dr. Joe Vitale. Now, if you haven't listened to those episodes, please go back and listen to them. Each of them is chock full of wisdom on health, mental, physical, spiritual, business, prosperity, you name it. Two incredible guests. And the common theme I'd like to talk about that both of them mentioned, can be summed up in one word, giving. Giving as a prosperity tool.

Now, Troy talked about the fact that he always gave, he still gives, he does 15 pieces of content a day. He gives away free courses all the time, breathing courses, meditation courses, etc. He said the difference though, was when he learned to receive, when he learned to charge what he was worth. Now, Dr. Joe Vitale, we were discussing his new book, Karmic Marketing. Karma is about giving, but he also said that abundance is in flow. Abundance is in circulation. Prosperity is about circulation. So it's not just about the giving. You can't feel guilty about receiving.

Now Bob Burg, who co-wrote the Go-Giver series of books, he's been on this program before. One of his laws of stratospheric success is the law of receptivity. And he said it's the hardest for people to understand, because in many ways we've been conditioned to feel guilty about receiving. It is only good to give, but when you know that prosperity is in circulation, you know there's more than just the giving part. In order to get in that circulation of abundance and prosperity, it's giving and receiving.

Now, Dr. Joe suggests that we tithe. We give money to people, businesses, and organizations that inspire us as a way of expressing appreciation. He actually quoted Arnold Patent, who said, "Money's sole purpose is to express appreciation." And when you look at it that way, that guilt, that shame, it goes away. I don't feel guilty about receiving because it's part of that flow, that natural flow of abundance. And when we feel guilty about receiving or when we only give out of a sense of guilt, we build a dam, we block the flow of abundance.

Dr. Joe also mentioned, he said Arnold Patent said that we're really good at building limitations. We don't build abundance. We build limitations. Abundance, think of it like a river. It's already in flow. All we got to do is jump in and flow with it. But what we humans like to build dams that block the flow in the way of guilt, those limiting, those bogus beliefs that would have us believe that receiving is somehow evil. That it's somehow selfish. And the only good thing is to give. It's like the yin and the yang, right? It's two sides of the same coin. Giving and receiving allows you to get into that flow of abundance, that flow of prosperity.

So if you'd like to go back and get the wisdom of Troy Casey and Dr. Joe Vitale, please go back and listen to those episodes. But really today wanted to highlight the power of giving as a prosperity tool. When you do it the right way, with the right mindset, when you get rid of the guilt and the shame and realize that giving and receiving are both important and allow you to get in that flow of abundance, to build more freedom, more prosperity in your life and to do it without the grind. I'm your host, Curt Mercadante. This is the Freedom Media Network. Have an abundant week. Thank you.


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