"Today, we are going to talk about being 100% responsible and that responsibility lies in four simple yet powerful phrases: I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Forgiveness, gratitude, and love. How powerful those are." — Curt Mercadante
Want to learn more about Ho'oponopono? Click here to register for our Art of Ho'oponopono workshop in the Freedom Circle on April 5th.
In today’s episode, Curt Mercadante shares the ancient Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono and how you can use the four simple, yet powerful, phrases of this practice to help you clear and clean limiting beliefs that are holding you back from attracting the clients, relationships, health, money, and prosperous life you desire.
These four phrases (the order doesn't matter) are:
I'm sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.
I love you.
Learn more about our Art of Ho'oponopono Workshop, in which we help you learn the power of the four phrases and how to use them to heal and clean/clear your limiting beliefs.
Curt Mercadante:
This is the Freedom Media Network. I am the host and the founder, Curt Mercadante. This is the Freedom Friday episode. And today, we are going to talk about being 100% responsible and that responsibility lies in four simple phrases, four simple yet powerful phrases. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Forgiveness, gratitude, and love. Forgiveness, gratitude, and love. How powerful those are. Whatever your spiritual tradition, whether it's the Bible, the teachings of the Buddha, the Dao, Hinduism, hell even if you're an atheist, you will agree that the power of forgiveness, love, and gratitude. And they are summed up in those four key phrases. And those four key phrases are at the foundation of an ancient Hawaiian healing practice called Hoʻoponopono. Hoʻoponopono. Now, I first became aware of Hoʻoponopono and the power of this practice couple years ago when I interviewed Dr. Joe Vitale.
Curt Mercadante:
And then I went on to read his book "Zero Limits" and then "Beyond Zero." You see, Dr. Joe had heard the story of a fascinating psychiatrist therapist in Hawaii named Dr. Hew Len. Now, Dr. Hew Len, as the story goes, apparently healed an entire ward, a very violent, a very troubling ward of patients in a psychiatric hospital in Hawaii. But what's most fascinating, he supposedly healed them without ever seeing them, without meeting with them. Now, how did he do that? It lies in the practice of Hoʻoponopono, which lies in those four key phrases. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you. Now, it doesn't matter the order that you say those in. Again, it's forgiveness, it's love and its gratitude. Now, Hoʻoponopono is an ancient Hawaiian healing practice. And in the old days it was a group practice.
Curt Mercadante:
People in the village would come together and they would share their limiting beliefs, their problems, their aches, their pains, whatever it was, and everyone would help clear one another. You see, it's all about clearing. As Dr. Hew Len would say, we all operate from memory or inspiration. We operate from memory and inspiration. And that memory he talks about is what I've talked about on in this program before. It's your subconscious programming. 95% of our cognition is our subconscious programming. Only 5% is conscious. Now, some of that subconscious programming is us breathing, us taking a shower, us driving to work every day along the same route. You ever drive the same route morning after morning after morning? And one day you get to work and you realize, I don't remember the drive there because your subconscious programming is driving the car. Your memory is driving the car. Now that memory comes from programming from age one onward, from birth onward really. It's programming picked up by our parents, our peers, society, TV, the news, our teachers, our bosses, whatever it is.
Curt Mercadante:
And so that memory is there. Again, it's not all good and it's not all bad, but it's easy only to operate from memory without us even knowing it. Our limiting, our bogus beliefs that arise in our subconscious, that we're not even aware of can drive our day. And when that happens, we're operating from a place of memory without even knowing it. Now, the alternative is operating from a place of inspiration. Now, a quote that the great Arnold Patent once shared, I'm going to butcher it and at least paraphrase it, is that we humans, we don't create abundance. You see, abundance is always in flow. What humans create is limitations. I think I've said it on this program before, but I'd like you to think that in terms of a flowing stream, a mountain stream, a river. It's already flowing.
Curt Mercadante:
We didn't create that river, but what we're very good at doing is creating dams. It's up to us to get in the flow of abundance that's already there, but we create dams. Those dams that we create in our life our limiting beliefs, our bogus beliefs, our limiting programming stops us from getting in the flow of abundance. Now, what Hoʻoponopono is about, and we teach by the way in our upcoming beliefs and behaviors workshop and certification this September, go to FreedomMediaNetwork.com to learn more about that, is we use a variety of techniques to clear those limiting beliefs, to tear down the dam, so our abundance can flow more freely. Think of a blood clot. You get a blood clot. It goes and it can actually cut off the blood supply to your brain.
Curt Mercadante:
And what do they do when that happens? If they catch it in time, they'll actually use blood thinners to try to dissolve it. See Hoʻoponopono is a technique to actually dissolve those memories, dissolve those limiting beliefs. And you do it with those four key phrases. Now, when you say, I'm sorry, please forgive me. It's not about begging. It's not about being fearful of punishment. It's about acknowledging, saying, sorry to yourself, to the divine, to the universe, to God, whatever it is you believe in. I'm sorry for those limiting beliefs. In an earlier episode, I talked about the original definition of sin being missing the mark. It could be, gosh, I'm sorry. I was given these great gifts and my limiting beliefs caused me to miss the mark. I'm sorry about that. But thank you for giving me these gifts. I love you. You're saying I love you to your yourself.
Curt Mercadante:
I love you to the divine. I love you to the universe. I love you to God for enabling you, giving you these innate gifts. Even if you're an atheist, this works. You can acknowledge that you do have these gifts. You have these talents, you have these strengths, you have these super powers. You acknowledge that you are a prosperous creator. You say, thank you for that. You say, I love myself for that. You start off by saying, I'm sorry. You can do this. I've done this for pains. I've done this for aches. I've done this for sickness. I've done this for allergies, but I also do it every single day for my limiting beliefs. If I wake up and I feel like I have a little bit of imposter syndrome, some limiting beliefs, those regular thoughts as a business owner, I don't know where my clients are going to come from today.
Curt Mercadante:
Say, I'm sorry. Please forgive me for those limiting beliefs. I'm a prosperous creator. And I track the clients I want to earn the revenue that I desire. Thank you for that. I do that every morning. And by doing that every morning, you tear down the dam. You dissolve those memories, so you can act from inspiration, that creative inspiration that drives you, that creative inspiration that attracts the clients you want, the health you want, the prosperous life you want, the relationships you want. In order to attract, you got to get rid of the blockages. You got to tear down that dam. That's what Hoʻoponopono is all about. Again, forgiveness, love, and gratitude. Now you may be saying, well, this is a bunch of metaphysical mumbo jumbo. And if that's your belief, then you're absolutely right, because you become what you believe. But those of you who might be thinking that right now might also be the same person who's you're in a room with someone.
Curt Mercadante:
You say, I got a bad vibe. We have six people on our household. When one person is out of whack, when one person has negative emotions, is sick, we all feel it. Scientists have studied emotional contagion, your emotions affects the people around. You just think of empathy, even if you're not meta physically minded. And you only think in terms of the physical playing, you'll admit that empathy exists. Emotional contagion exists. Your emotions, your state of consciousness can actually spread just like a pandemic. It does exist. That's what it means by taking 100% responsibility. I talked about it and up till now, I've talked about it in terms of you using it yourself. But in terms of how Dr. Hew Len helped heal that ward of psychiatric patients, he took 100% responsibility. When someone comes into your life, there is that emotional connection.
Curt Mercadante:
There is that energetic connection. And so if someone has a problem, often we feel like we have to jump in and fix. We have to jump in and help. Sometimes we make the problem worse, because that person can get defensive. If that person hasn't asked for your help, they might get their back up a little bit. They don't want that help. And so there's a block on that energetic connection. Instead, without that person even knowing it, focus on yourself, take 100% responsibility, say, I'm sorry and please forgive me for whatever inside of me, whatever limiting beliefs, negativity, emotions, have caused this in the other person. And thank you for clearing it out. Thank you for emptying this out. Thank you for dissolving these memories. You can help that other person without them even knowing. You can help that other person without even trying to jump in and "help them." That's what Hoʻoponopono is all about. It's about healing yourself first. It's about taking 100% responsibility. It's how Dr. Hew Len healed that entire psychiatric ward.
Curt Mercadante:
It's also how you can clear and clean your limiting beliefs. It's how you can heal. It's how you can tear down that dam, dissolve the limiting beliefs, so you can get in the flow of abundance to attract whatever it is you want to create the business, to attract the money, to attract the revenue, to attract the clients, to attract the relationships, to attract the health, to attract the prosperous life you want. What's the alternative? Waking up, jumping into your email, getting anxious and thinking, there's no connection between the fact that you've waken up as a victim to the world, to external circumstance. No, it starts with taking 100% responsibility. Getting up early in the morning. I'll tell you every single morning I get up in the darkness and I meditate. I meditate in the stillness and the silence, and it starts with my breath and to myself repeating those four phrases. I'm sorry. Please forgive me.
Curt Mercadante:
Thank you. I love you. Now, we're going to get more into this again next month in the Freedom Circle. Go to freedommedianetwork.com. Check the events tab. You'll see our event there. There's a Hoʻoponopono training coming up. It's $22 for non-members. Freedom Circle members get it for free. And then in September, September 15th and 16th, we are hosting, it's going to be a hybrid event. We're going to have a live portion here in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. And there's going to be an online option for all of you who want to sit at home wherever you are in the world and get the benefits. And one of the things we're going to look at, we're going to look at a variety of clearing techniques to clear out your limiting and bogus and BS beliefs. One of those is Hoʻoponopono. You can even get certified as a beliefs and behaviors consultant to teach your clients, to share it with your clients, your teammates, your colleagues as well. Go to freedommedianetwork.com.
Curt Mercadante:
Check out the Freedom Academy. Learn more about our beliefs and behaviors workshop and certification, where you can learn more about Hoʻoponopono, the power of those four simple, yet powerful, phrases clearing, cleaning, and healing. I want to thank you so much for joining this Freedom Friday episode. I appreciate you very much. I'm very grateful you joined us. Please go down, look in the show notes, wherever you're watching this, wherever you're listening to this. Subscribe to the Freedom Media Network, so you don't miss any of our Freedom Friday episodes every Friday. We also have a number of interviews every Monday and Wednesday with incredible individuals who are seeking to help you unleash your inner freedom to attract whatever it is you want in your life, because you deserve the freedom and fulfillment you desire and a big part of getting there is clearing and cleaning out these limiting and bogus beliefs. Shifting those beliefs to align them with your behaviors, to attract the outcomes you desire. I want to thank you for joining us today. Again, my name is Curt Mercadante. This is the Freedom Media Network. Have an awesome rest of your day. Thank you.