"The only thing that you physically own is your health. That's it. Everything else they can take from you, they can take your house, they can take your car, they can whatever. You can own your health. That's pretty much the one thing that you can own." — Matt Roeske, co-founder, Cultivate Elevate
Curt Mercadante interviews Matt Roeske, founder of Cultivate Elevate, for a discussion of simple ways you can declare your food independence, help the local economy, and boost your health.
This episode was taken from a longer workshop in our Freedom Circle Men’s Community.
Raw Transcript of this Episode:
[00:00:00] Curt Mercadante: Matt, thank you for being here and, and, and I'm gonna share all your links, Cultivate elevate.com, incredible products. As I've shared, uh, in a number of our, we do a Sunday, um, Sunday letter that I send out. And I've shared a number of your products that I take in the morning at night, or like we said, drag's blood as needed, pearl powder.
[00:00:18] But I'm also gonna share Matt, the link to Matt's, uh, Instagram because, um, And if you're not on Instagram, he is on Telegram. And if you're on TikTok, uh, I'll share that. I'll share all the links. In addition, it matches, It doesn't just promote his products, which are great products, but he also educates on a number of ways that you can cultivate your health.
[00:00:41] Matt was here, I think in January, we talked about 12 or 13 ways you can cultivate your health, but also in what we're gonna talk about today, which is really t. Healthy food abundance, so how to be healthy, how to stop toxifying yourself, but also importantly, how to [00:01:00] have some food security in an area where, Know, I'm 47 years old and a lot of things that I Rand wrote about Atlas shrugged in, in whenever she wrote that the thirties or the forties or even that Orwell or, or or Huxley wrote about are actually coming true or seemingly like they're gonna come True.
[00:01:21] I, when it comes to food security, there's this, there's this old saying, right, where urban areas are three days away from, from food scarcity. I was listening to a podcast, Jim Ricks, who's an economist, used to work for the Pentagon, who said, You know, people don't realize how fragile the supply chain is, and now that we're decoupling from China, The war that's going on in Eastern Europe or whatever the heck's going on in Eastern Europe right now.
[00:01:49] People don't realize that we, we focus on, because the news wants to focus on people in Ukraine, and I'm not saying don't focus on someone, right? Who, who anyone. [00:02:00] But the fact of matter is millions could starve in Africa. because they're not getting the grain. There's some places that get 70, 80% of their grain from Ukraine.
[00:02:10] And so I think some people either are or aren't over the last two or three years getting educated as to the importance of a supply chain, um, but also at how absolutely fragile the supply chain could be. And as someone who sources, uh, foods, uh, from around the world. You're deeply ingrained in that every day.
[00:02:34] So, you know, I'd love to throw it back to you in terms of that, that three days away from food scarcity, what's your feeling on that? A and B, what are some simple ways that we can protect ourselves as individuals and communities?
[00:02:49] Matt Roeske: So I feel like there's a couple different things with that. There's a lot of stuff.
[00:02:52] I mean, with the, you know, the food shortages thing is a big thing. They try to push all that, all the. Media does that, you know, next they're trying to push that we're running outta water. [00:03:00] That's the other one that they're doing a lot too. But with the food shortages, it's interesting because a lot of the times they're just storing the stuff in the warehouses so that it looks like a food shortage, and that's what Amazon.
[00:03:10] Full foods and all these brands were notorious for that. I put out a video, I think it was about six months back where I found out that they were storing everything in the warehouses to make it look like the shelves were empty and then they had to sell it all six months later because they, nobody was buying it because they basically started doing other things like growing their own food, which is a very simple solution, and I think that every person should start growing their own food and taking back.
[00:03:34] Independence. Right? Because you should get yourself off of the dependent system that we have of the grocery store as much as you can, because there's a lot of stuff that you can grow. You know, you can grow little things, you can grow basil, you can grow tomato, you can grow all these different things and growing your own food.
[00:03:48] Not only that, it not only does it disconnect you from, you know, the price couching that we're seeing right now, right? Where they're saying that it's low demand, or I'm sorry, low supply and we gotta increase the price and everything else. But not [00:04:00] only does it disconnect you from that, but it connects you back to.
[00:04:04] And the frequencies that come with nature when you're growing your own food. Because when you're growing your own food, you're connecting with those plants which are gonna provide, provide you with healthier. Uh, healthier plants and also more nutrition because the problem is with a lot of the stuff in the grocery store that most people are unaware of is that all of them are only using three.
[00:04:23] It's N P K, which is basically the three things that they use to grow food. So there's really no minerals in the food that they're trying to sell us. Not only on top of that, they're sprayed heavily with pesticides and they have to travel over 2000 miles before getting to the store, depending on where they're coming from.
[00:04:38] So when you are going to the grocery store, Or you're looking around, or if you're buying something in a box that has, you know, processed ingredients or any of those things, all of that stuff can actually play a detrimental impact on your health. So the first and foremost thing I would say of the biggest thing is going all organic so that you're not bringing the pesticides and the chemicals into your body.
[00:04:57] Also, you can look up farmer's market as well to you connect [00:05:00] with your local farmers, because also too, like every time I go to the farmer's, There's plenty of food. I mean, there's so much food they, they have to take it back home, you know? I mean, the only shortage is that there's just not enough people.
[00:05:11] That's pretty much what it is. Supporting the farmer's market, you know, instead of supporting the grocery stores. Because the problem also with the grocery stores that people don't realize is that when a person goes to the grocery store, you're only giving 13% of your money to the farmer verse. When you go to the farmer's market, you're giving them 97.
[00:05:29] So that's a huge difference. So if we wanna support the local farmers and keep the local economy going, then we have to support those local farmers because without them, then we bring in imported foods and all kinds of things that we don't know what has happened to it. And that's all a part of Agenda 2030, right?
[00:05:46] Eliminating the person from being connected to the farmer and growing locally while they import, who knows what, And then make you pay a premium because it's so expensive that you can't afford it. We have to support the local economy that way. [00:06:00] But then going back to the flip side was growing your own food.
[00:06:02] Because when you start growing your own food, you start connecting with it. But then also you're understanding how much the, the work it takes, right? But then not only on top of that, you're starting to understand, okay, if I grow this, this, and this, then maybe I can purchase this, this, and this in bulk, you know, or whatever.
[00:06:19] And it really starts to take away, and that's what we do. I mean, that's why like I don't, I might be able to go to the grocery store. Once a month, maybe once every two months. I mean, it really depends because there's not really many things that we buy anymore because we go either to the farmer's market or I grow them, or we've learned to find organic farms and buy in bulk, such as like organic flour from, you know, Arizona and then buying like two 50 pounds at.
[00:06:46] Because then what happens is you're saving money in the long run, and then also you're saving money on gas. Right? Because that's the other thing too, about our gas prices with all this nonsense that's going up and down, well, they're trying to play the gas prices or affecting the food while [00:07:00] they're manipulating the gas prices the entire time.
[00:07:02] So they're manipulating the food prices and the gas prices together. So when you start growing your own food too, you don't have to travel as much as well, so you save. . And then also for your health, you're more connected to that food that you are growing because there's frequencies in everything, right?
[00:07:20] And everything that we're around has a frequency. And when you go and you touch that soil, you're getting all that healthy microbiome all over your hands, and you're getting your kids all into that as well too. And it's getting all over their hands because we don't do that anymore. We're too in a box.
[00:07:35] They're hand sanitizer, you know, All this nonsense. We're disconnected. Nature and nature is what heals us. And since we're bombarded with frequencies all the time, radiation, all the other nonsense we've talked about before, we have to connect ourselves into the earth. And it's interesting because once you start learning how to grow the food, you'll start to notice bugs will come around.
[00:07:56] You'll start to notice bees, you'll start to understand the birds. You'll start to understand [00:08:00] everything else that's in harmony with. In which you've been disconnected from. And when you're in harmony with nature, your health will be at the best it will ever be for free. You don't have to pay anything.
[00:08:11] And that's the thing is a lot of these solutions of that people can be doing, they don't cost a lot of money. And it gets you off of this system where you're continuously paying all the time and it's just, they're. You know, trillions of dollars on people, and people just have to start taking back their own.
[00:08:28] Otherwise, you know, you're always gonna be dependent or you're gonna go to the store and they're gonna say, Oh, sorry, we're out. Even though the stuff is sitting in the back.
[00:08:37] Curt Mercadante: You know, I, I, I've, I've been a fan for my whole life of the free market and a lot of what you're. Even a few short years ago, I'd say, Well Matt, it's the free market.
[00:08:48] The mar price gouging doesn't exist. And it's interesting and, and what one side says is price gouging actually isn't the way they're referring to it. And what oth the other side says is the free [00:09:00] market absolutely isn't as well. And you know, when I bring up, you know, we go to Europe and I'll eat in Europe and I'll eat the food and we'll go to Italy and I feel great.
[00:09:12] And what we notice in Europe is. You know, I, I'm gonna be politically incorrect, but when we go to Europe, when we go to Italy, you know, a lot of people here think of Italians as like, my family's Italian, fat, fat Italians that walk around. You go to Italy, they're all in shape. Now, the interesting thing about, you know, we went to the beaches in Italy this last time.
[00:09:35] There's no one who I would consider obese at the now. They don't have also like muscle bound, like totally ripped. They're just relaxed, healthy, they're tan people. The funny thing is they smoke, they drink alcohol, and yet they're healthier. And I think, uh, you know, carnivore really is on Instagram. He posts about this.
[00:09:57] He's like, they drink, they're outside all day, and yet they're [00:10:00] healthier. And I notice, you know, even going to the, the, the farmer's market here, uh, there's a great, um, she's gotta be in her seventies. She's there with their daughter and they sell. And I get their sourdough and I feel great. And our farmer's market is on break for two weeks and then they, they restart up.
[00:10:17] And so I got some sourdough from the, uh, from the supermarket and I can't eat it. It looks the same. They say it's the same. Yeah. I feel like crap when I eat it. And in Italy, What, what happens over there? And everyone. Oh, but they're socialists, they're communist. Okay, great. I got it. There's no reason you can't do that.
[00:10:35] I mean, we have interdependence foods. If you look in your local community, there's probably someone like that where you can go and in Italy they'll go and they pick up food for the day. It's fresh, they make it, and that's it. They don't have the superstore where you get 36,000 pork chops in one sitting.
[00:10:55] Right. And and there's plenty of studies that find that you. Pay more. [00:11:00] By the time you leave Costco, they've gotten more of your money and you think you're saving money. So on that point, Matt, you know, and you mentioned this costing less, et cetera. Okay, If I go once to the farmer's market and I buy some roasts, might be three or $4 more.
[00:11:16] So someone may sit back and say, Well man, that's easy for you and Kurt to say you're privileged people. You can go to the farmer's market and buy your organic stuff, but just not everyone can afford that. What do you say?
[00:11:29] Matt Roeske: Well, I would say you have to look at all the other things that maybe you're spending money on and just be aware of those things, right?
[00:11:34] Like what really are you spending money on that's bringing. Positivity or bringing you into good health, right? Like for example, you could look at Netflix, right? It's 12 bucks a month, whatever else. Is it really bringing any information that's educating you to move forward? Is it really bringing knowledge?
[00:11:49] Is it in, is it changing your brain to see things in a different light? Is it a different, you know, there's so many things and like, you know, we used to look at things as, you know, these things are important and, you [00:12:00] know, going to the movies and all of these things that are so quote unquote important or whatever.
[00:12:05] But it's like a lot of the. It doesn't bring me any joy whatsoever. So it's, if we really start looking at where we're spending our money and paying attention to where our money is going, you know, then we can start to analyze and go, You know, I need to be putting my money towards my health because. I used to do, listen, I used to be in fitness.
[00:12:21] I used to train people. I used to do everything I've seen, every disease I've seen, every illness I've seen, anything you can think of. And the only thing that you physically own is your health. That's it. Like you own your health. Everything else they can take from you. They can take your house, they can take your car, they can whatever.
[00:12:37] You can own your health. That's pretty much the one thing that you can own. And people have to realize that if I put my money towards my. You're putting yourself towards your longevity. And if you, if you're healthier, you can work better, you can make more money, you can function better, you'll have a better family.
[00:12:54] Like you'll have a better life. Like mental, every, mental health, all of that, all of that comes from health. [00:13:00] So if, you know, if we look at it like it's, it's very expensive. It's like, well, we have to also look at what are we spending money on that's maybe just a waste of money. And that happens. We have a tendency where we just don't realize that, Ooh, every time I.
[00:13:13] You know, this to the, or I go this to this place on the weekend, I spend a hundred dollars, or I go out to eat and, or I go, you know, I don't know, drinking with my friends or go to a party, or whatever it may be, whatever. It could be anything. You might have a hobby and collect things, and just you're collecting stuff.
[00:13:28] All of those things might be working against you in the, in the long run. So it's important to focus on your health because you know, when you're spending that money on that, you're, you're just gonna wake up and feel great. You know? I mean, I, I can't take away. Great. It's, it's the best thing to feel. And you know, when you go to the farmer's market, like you said, you're also getting the highest quality foods so that you don't have to worry about what you're picking through maybe at the grocery store.
[00:13:53] And that looks identical, That's genetically modified and looks identical, but is not gonna give you the same [00:14:00] result. And. We also have to look at, we have to eat less, right? Eat higher quality and eat less because we've been programmed this like 10 meals a day and all this food, pyramid garbage and whatever else.
[00:14:11] We just need to eat higher quality meals and eat less. In the book, it was, I believe, The Invisible Rainbow, or it was the contagion myth, which are two group books that every person should read, but it was one of those, but they basically talked about fast. And how they had animals who were fasting and the benefits of it were through the roof.
[00:14:29] The animals who fasted lived anywhere from 10 to 20 years longer because they were doing a lot of fasting and just eating high quality meals in a small portion. So, you know, when we look at that, that's how much more beneficial it is than en gorging our body. Cause every time we eat, we're slowing down our body, right?
[00:14:47] Like we're, we're actually slowing down the entire frame from working. Our brain even slows down. That's why people get. Get all, I gotta take a nap. You ate something, you gotta take a nap because food can actually work against you. That's why it's [00:15:00] sometimes better to, like I said, to eat higher quality nutrient dense foods and less meals throughout the day.
[00:15:06] And you'll notice, you'll feel better too. And then you don't have to spend as much money either as well too.