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Cultivating your microbiome


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"The microbiome is an ancient intelligence with a lineage going back 3.5 billion years. It is a very powerful ally. It's been with you guiding you since before you were born. It has so much to offer you. It is the ultimate human upgrade." — Spencer Feldman

Curt Mercadante interviews Spencer Feldman, founder and CEO of RemedyLink, about the importance of your microbiome and how to cultivate it for optimum health.

Multiple patent holding inventor and formulator Spencer Feldman has been designing and manufacturing detoxification products for over 20 years. His groundbreaking work creating detox suppositories spawned an entire industry in the alternative health world. Living off grid in Oregon, he spends his time reading scientific journals, looking for the next clue on how to help improve people’s health.


[00:00:00] Curt Mercadante: Hey, there are freedom lovers. Welcome to the freedom media network. I am your host Curt. Mercadante. So grateful you are here. And if you are a first time listener or viewer, welcome if your return listener or viewer. Welcome back. As you know, we have wonderful guests on a variety of topics here on the freedom media network.

[00:00:21] I like to call it holistic freedom, whether it's your business, freedom of thought, spiritual freedom and health freedom, which we're gonna talk about today. Although I think our guest today might say the microbiome affects all of the above. Our guest today is Spencer Feldman. He's the founder and CEO of remedy link.

[00:00:40] He's a multiple patent holder holder and has been designing and manufacturing detoxification products for over 20 years. His groundbreaking work, creating detox. Pository spawn an entire industry in the alternative health world. And today we're gonna talk about the microbiome, something you may have heard about something, you know, [00:01:00] not perhaps know nothing about Spencer.

[00:01:03] Welcome so much to

[00:01:04] Spencer Feldman: the freedom media. Well, thanks for having me, Kurt, you know, it's, it's interesting that there is a lot of overlap between the people that are interested in freedom and sovereignty and, you know, autonomy and people that want to improve their health. And, uh, because one of the things you do when you start becoming personally responsible for your life is you also become responsible for your health.

[00:01:25] You realize that the establishment, um, you know, it's really great for a gunshot wound or, you know, a car crash, but for the kind of day to day chronic things, they're not that helpful for us. And so then you have to go and figure that out for yourself. And then of course, you know, what's the point of, of having all the freedom, uh, mentally and financially and inability to travel.

[00:01:46] If you don't have a body that, you know, allows you to have those to enjoy those freedoms. So, yeah, I think, um, I think there are good pair. Yeah. And,

[00:01:54] Curt Mercadante: you know, I've had, uh, gut issues for about, well for probably over 20 years. And probably before [00:02:00] that didn't even know it. Uh, some of it, I probably destroyed for meeting two and a half pound burritos in college and washing it down with beer

[00:02:07] Um, but I made some changes about 12 years ago, but still it it's been off and on, but I noticed that when my gut is off. It's as if you hit a switch and everything goes mentally, physically, spiritually, I go into a different place where I just feel like I spiral outta control. And I remember that back in the nineties mm-hmm and um, so the microbiome, a lot of people hear the gut and they just refer to the gut and they say, well, it's your second brain.

[00:02:36] I've heard some people actually say it might be your first brain. What what's the important, well, C can you, for those who aren't really familiar with it, can you give a brief overview of what the heck is the

[00:02:46] Spencer Feldman: microbiome? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Um, and so, you know, if I ask someone to draw a tree, they, you know, draw the trunk and the branches and the leaves, but that's half the tree.

[00:02:55] The other half the tree is underground with the roots and the bacteria living on the roots. And because [00:03:00] we don't see it, we don't really think of that as the tree, but a good orchardist. If he sees a tree that's suffering with like leaves that or wilting or being parasitized, they'll think, well, what, what do I need to do to support the roots of the tree?

[00:03:12] What nutrients and what's going on so that the tree can be healthy again. It doesn't go after the leaf. Well, the microbiome is like the roots of our tree. It's the roots of our metabolic tree. It's the other half of us we don't see. And you know, someone, you know, when I first started studying the microbiome, I thought, okay, if it's out, maybe you get a little gas or maybe, you know, you have a little upset stomach and can eat certain foods.

[00:03:34] It's so much more than that. Uh, so what I wanna talk about is what the microbiome is, what it does for us, you know, how we get it, how we lose it, cuz most of us have lost it. And then how we get it back again. So, uh, you know, what does the microbiome do? It? Yes, it can controls digestion, but it also makes all your vitamin, it makes vitamins, it breaks down toxins and it manages the homeostasis of every system in your body.

[00:03:59] So in terms [00:04:00] of the immune system, the microbiome has more cells, uh, immune cells than in your bloodstream, in your bone marrow, in terms of hormones, the microbiome has more endocrine cells than all the endocrine glands of the body combined in terms of information processing, it's almost three times heavier than your brain.

[00:04:16] And in terms of a genetic database, it's got a thousand times more genetic information than your DNA. So it's running the entire show. It's, it's regulating neurotransmitters, hormones, blood, sugar, everything it's running the whole show behind the scenes. Right. It's sort of like, you know, you go to watch, you watch a, a, a Broadway play and yeah, you see the few actors, you don't see the enormous support going on behind the scenes, changing scenes, doing all that kind of stuff.

[00:04:43] This is the behind the scenes stuff that runs your whole body. And if you wanna have good health, you have to have a healthy microbiome. There's no way around it. So, you know, a question is, well, all right, let's go to the beginning. Where did we get it? So based on archeological studies, [00:05:00] you know, for about 800,000 years, primitive man, and our early ancestors were eating a diet, mostly of tubers insects, fruit, seafood, wild game, nuts, seaweed, honey, those kind of things.

[00:05:11] And all of these foods have, uh, specific sugars called the LIGO saccharides, which people probably haven't heard of. So I'll explain what they are. Roughly three classes of sugars. There's the simple sugars like you find in fruit, uh, and you digest those pretty quickly. They go right in, and then there's the complex sugars, uh, like carbohydrates, like starches and rice and beans.

[00:05:33] And you can digest those, but they take some enzymes and it goes a little slower, but then there's these middle size sugars in between the two. Um, and they're called illegal saccharides and we can't digest them, but they're in the food now, wherever there's food, something will come along to eat. That's sort of like a rule of nature.

[00:05:49] So, you know, we're eating food that has these things. We can't digest and we're eating bacteria because it's in the food, the water and the soil, and that the bacteria gets in and it colonizes our gut and [00:06:00] starts eating the things that we can't and like any, um, life form that we live with long enough, it becomes symbiotic with us.

[00:06:08] Right? So the, the microbiome is this collection of mostly bacteria and also particular viruses called bacteria, phages that. Live in our gut and they want us to be healthy and live a long time and reproduce well, because they've got a good, they've got this place. That's dark and moist and low oxygen and a constant source of food.

[00:06:30] So they're psyched to be there. And so they wanna support us cuz the healthier we are, the longer they've got that place to be. And so over hundreds of thousands, over millions of years, they have learned all these ways to improve our health. Right. They make us stronger. They make us smarter. They help us fight infections better.

[00:06:48] They make us age slower. In other words, the microbiome was and still is today. The most powerful human upgrade you're ever going to have.

[00:06:58] Curt Mercadante: Interesting. [00:07:00] Interesting you for some, some people who might be not aware, it might not be aware, but it's something I've learned about over the last, you know, 12 years.

[00:07:09] The first thing you mentioned, the first type of tube was tubers. Can you explain what those are?

[00:07:15] Spencer Feldman: sure. Sure. So, you know, there's there, you know, when we eat vegetables, there's the fruit, there's the leaves. Um, in some cases, people eat different parts of them, the flowers sometimes, and then there's things that grow under the ground.

[00:07:26] And then there's the roots like carrot, right. A carrot root. And then there's tubers, which are these things that grow underground. That aren't the roots, but they're like a storage place for the plant to hold fuel for later. And so like a Jerusalem, artichoke is a tuber as an example. Got it,

[00:07:44] Curt Mercadante: got it. So one of the things, and when we spoke offline, we talked about, you know, I was paleo mm-hmm and then primal and then, and a big carnivore, which for a variety of reasons got better, but not fully better.

[00:07:57] Mm. Um, Looking at [00:08:00] that at what true paleo perhaps was. And, and, and you kind of educated me on what it might have been versus, you know, what, what people talk about it being, what did those people at the beginning, at the, at the beginning, right before the, the agricultural revolution or right at it have having credible microbiomes, they did.

[00:08:20] And still, where do we go wrong?

[00:08:21] Spencer Feldman: Yeah, they did. And you know, if you study, um, some of the primitive tribes that still are around the most study would be the, uh, the odds of the Tanzania. Um, yes, they're microbiomes are quite different and much more robust than ours are. Uh, and we'll get into diet in a little bit, and we can, we can talk about, um, you know, if someone's going to be carnivore, how can they do it in a way that they don't have some long term troubles, uh, by not feeding their microbiome properly, but let's talk a little bit more about what it does, how we get it, how we lose it.

[00:08:50] And then we can kind of come around and talk about some of the diet part. Absolutely. Okay. So, uh, in the last trimester of pregnancy progesterone and the mother stimulates a [00:09:00] bloom of bifido bacteria in her microbiome. So basically, and that's the bacteria for babies. So her microbiome shifts to a baby state so that she can then pass it on to her child.

[00:09:11] And when during childbirth is, you know, the head descends, as long as it's a normal facedown delivery and that's Cary her sunny side up or premature, the baby's gonna get some of the microbiome, um, both from the mother's microbiome and then from the birthing canal. So it's gonna, she's the baby's gonna get BTU from the, from the, uh, the microbiome and lacto Basilus from the birthing canal.

[00:09:32] And then from there, the mother's gonna create some 200 different illegal saccharides remember those special sugars. We can't digest in the breast milk, more illegal saccharides by weight and protein. So as far as the nature is concerned, it's more important to grow the microbiome in the baby than to grow the baby.

[00:09:48] That's how important nature thinks the microbiome is. So what does it tell us? It tells us our microbiome needs both a large quantity and a large variety of illegal saccharides. So then the child starts eating [00:10:00] food, solid food. We like two and a half, excuse me. And then at that point in time, the microbiome shifts are out of an adult because they're eating solids and we go from the LA the bestsilus ALAC, um, the BTUs and lactobacillus over to like the firm acuities and bacteri steroids.

[00:10:16] And, uh, so what that tells you is you control the makeup of the microbiome by controlling the illegal saccharides. You feed it. If you want to shift what's in your gut shift with you're feeding it. And what I've identified are like four initiations of the microbiome. So these are four things that they put our Bo that kind of do for us, writes a passage, right?

[00:10:38] Uh, so let's go over the there's probably more obviously, but let me go over four of them. So the first initiation happens when we're inside the womb and me metabolites produced by the mother's microbiome, passed through the placenta and guide and manage the growth of the developing fetal brain making us smarter.

[00:10:56] So part of our intelligence is due to the microbiome of the mother. Hmm. [00:11:00] The second initiation happens when IGA, which is an immunoglobulin and especially in colostrum from the breast milk, it goes and it teaches tolerance to the immune system. Basically getting IGA at the same time as the mother's microbiome into the baby, as it's establishing itself, teaches the baby's immune system, that the microbiome is self don't attack the microbiome.

[00:11:19] It's your friend, third initiation. The microbiome continues to guide the brain development. After we're born. We're not born like you. Um, certain four-legged animals that can walk as soon as they hit the, you know, out of the womb, you know, we're completely, um, dependent and UN and unfinished, right? Because, um, our head could only get so big before the woman's pelvis cracked.

[00:11:39] So we have to finish our brain development on the outside. And part of that is the mild nation of the nerves and so forth. So we continue our brain development outside of the womb. And you know, this ation is, is, uh, um, the, the microbiome is completing the ation of the nerves and stimulating, [00:12:00] uh, continued growth of the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for cognitive behavior, like, uh, personality, expression, decision making, social behavior, and in the hippocampus, which is memory.

[00:12:09] So now it's making your brain human before and after birth. And then the fourth initiation is it teaches the immune system. What is other right first? It said, this is self don't attack this. Now it's saying this is other, this is threat attack. That. Now people that have autoimmune issues, they have immune systems that don't know itself is, and they attack their own bodies.

[00:12:29] And I'll explain why that happens in a bit. And then people with weak immunity, they have immune systems that don't know what other is, and they don't attack infections properly. So you need a healthy microbiome to know the difference between self and other and to have an effective immune system. And I'll, and I'll give you an example of parasites, uh, and don't think of parasites just as worms and helmets.

[00:12:47] You know, most of 'em are just round little dots. So parasites are an ancient adversary. And while the ma million immune system is about 200 million years old parasites been infecting us in our pre a million ancestors for over [00:13:00] 500 million years. And in that immense timeframe, they've learned a lot of strategies to evade suppress attack and distract our immune.

[00:13:08] Uh, so, but their greatest trick is that they can vary their surface protein. So our immune system doesn't recognize them. So as an example, Lyme disease, right? A lot of people have it and aren't sick with it. And then some people who get it, it get ruined by it. It's because their immune system can't see it.

[00:13:22] They can't fight it. And as an example, so you've got a, you've got a parasite that's in the person and it's got a, a red coat and a blue hat. And then the immune system finally goes, oh, red coat, blue hat, bad news. Let's kill it. And it knocks out all the red coat, blue hats, but then the parasite goes, well, all right, let me change.

[00:13:39] And now I've got a, a green pullover and an orange scarf and the immune system's like, I haven't seen you before and then has to figure it out all over again right now, TBR high, which is the parasite that causes sleeping sickness in Africa has over 2000 genes to code for the proteins on its surface.

[00:13:54] It's got 2000 different changes of disguise, right? These, so parasites are the masters of [00:14:00] disguise and. As soon as the immune system learns how to recognize them, they change to another form. It makes them invisible again and the wear and tear on the immune system and the metabolic cost of not only having the infection, but constantly having to up change and learn and over and over up.

[00:14:14] And, and you get these people who have these waves of infection, where they get better, cuz their immune system finds it and then they get worse as it changes and then back and forth. And eventually the parasite wins cuz the immune system is just, is just exhausted from this metabolic act activity all the time.

[00:14:29] Now some parasites create lipo polysaccharide coats that are almost identical to human tissue. It takes a very finely tuned immune system to deal with parasites. If the immune system's too aggressive, it attacks the, um, it attacks the parasites, but it also attacks the tissue that parasites mimicking that's autoimmune.

[00:14:45] And if it isn't aggressive enough, it leaves the parasite alone to re. Another trick as if they didn't have enough, is they use, uh, they trigger the good bacteria in the microbiome to become predatory and attack us the way the immune system, this way the immune system gets distracted and [00:15:00] overwhelmed with rogue bacteria.

[00:15:01] So they don't have the, the resources to deal with parasites. You can barely see anyway, it's like, if you were trying to Rob a bank and you called in, you know, and you, you had so many of your friends go to the other side of town and, and, and create a little riot. So all the cops went there. Well, now the banks' wide open for you, right?

[00:15:15] That's that's, that's their game. They're smart. Now parasites may be 500 million years old and they have a lot of tricks up their sleeve, but the bacteria in our microbiome or three and a half billion years old Kurt, they've seen every chick in the book, parasites are no match for healthy microbiome, but most of us don't have a healthy microbiome.

[00:15:34] So then the question said then is why, you know, why don't we have a good microbiome and how do we lose it and how do we get it back?

[00:15:41] Curt Mercadante: It's um, when you talk about parasites, I've read these stories about. People go into their doctor and these doctors say, no, you don't have one. They won't test them. Or they just, they act like it's some sort of conspiracy theory that you have a parasite.

[00:15:55] Why is that?

[00:15:57] Spencer Feldman: So a lot of doctors have fallen into [00:16:00] this idea of delusional parasite. And this is a, a, a modern day version of, um, hysteria. Okay. So hundred for, for hundreds of years, when a woman had PMs, they said, oh, you're hysterical. Well, Hester means womb. So yes, she is having an issue with her womb, from what they could understand.

[00:16:18] Right. And what they didn't understand was, was hormonal. And they needed some help, maybe detoxing, a little extra, uh, some of, some of the hormones, cuz probably the microbiome was off, but hysterical became a term to call that we called women, that doctors would call women when they're just saying, oh, they're, they're just being, um, unreasonable because they didn't understand that what hormones were.

[00:16:40] They didn't understand that they were getting thrown out of balance and it was messing with their minds, a. So now there's the new version of hysterical, which is delusional parasite. Oh, you don't have parasites. You've been watching too many YouTube videos. You're not in the third world. How could you possibly have a parasite?

[00:16:55] You just think you have a parasite and here's an anti-anxiety med for you. So it's [00:17:00] just, you know, a lack of understanding of what parasites are, um, that they are in first world countries and what kind of problems they cause.

[00:17:07] Curt Mercadante: Interesting. Interesting. Yeah. It's uh, the I've read some horror stories and people have gone, you know, alternative what, what, what is called alternative medicine to find it and they deal with it and it's, but I guess that could be applied to many things with Western medicine today.

[00:17:25] Spencer Feldman: yeah. You just have to know what they're good for. Right. You know, I don't want to go to, um, an alternative medical doctor, uh, with a gunshot wound, but I also don't want to go to a hospital with like Lyme disease. So, you know, I, I have a great respect for emergency room medicine and I have a great respect for the amazing diagnostic technologies that modern medicine.

[00:17:43] In terms of chronic disease. Uh, I don't think that they really have their, their game on that yet. Yeah, absolutely.

[00:17:49] Curt Mercadante: Yeah. So, so you were gonna go into kind of, how did we lose it? Right? How did we destroy this

[00:17:54] Spencer Feldman: microbiome? okay. So, um, right. So, you know, uh, bad childbirth sequence or lack of [00:18:00] breastfeeding will do it.

[00:18:01] Um, and then there's three stresses. We, the microbiome can face as we get older, three classes we'll go through the first is we don't eat primitive diets, you know? Um, and you know, who would wanna be chewing on insects and tubs all day long? Um, so we're not giving them the sugars they need to feed. All right.

[00:18:16] Uh, the second is chronic exposure to toxins like glyphosates, which. Ruin the gut, uh, artificial sugars is which the gut thinks is food and it ruins them. Certain pharmaceuticals are all the hormones, they're all very damaging to the microbiome. And then you got things like, uh, antibiotics like Cipro, right?

[00:18:31] Which can wipe out 50 plus percent of the microbiome. And, you know, if you think salmonella is bad, which you know, which is a deadly intestinal infection that only knocks out about 15% of the gut Cipro can do half of it. Uh, so we're now three generations into the discovery of pesticides, chemical food, additives, antibiotics, and with each generation mothers have less and less microbiome to pass on to their kids.

[00:18:53] And we're at the point now where witnessing the collapse of so many Keystone species of people's microbiomes, the chronic disease is becoming [00:19:00] the norm, not the exception. So, all right. How do you know if you have a bad microbiome, if you can do a $500 stool test, that's fantastic. You know, um, if you can't, I'm gonna show, tell you four things you can do really easy to tell.

[00:19:14] Um, So, and surprisingly gut issues are not the primary sign that you've got a bad microbiome. And we'll talk about that. Yeah. Yeah. Interesting. Very counterintuitive that way. Um, so the first question is, does your stool smell bad? A healthy microbiome creates stool that has almost no smell. I mean, a little acidic from the short chain fatty acid.

[00:19:33] That's about it. The second one is, do you need toilet paper? Okay. A healthy microbiome means you wipe once and there's nothing on the toilet paper. And I know that sounds impossible to some people I'm telling you, that's, that's the case, right? Um, like if you were, um, going to go buy a horse or a mule or something in the old days, you know, you'd look at his teeth, right.

[00:19:53] To see how old it is, cuz the teeth, the gum line recedes, and then you lift up the tail and you look at the backside and it's, if there's poop all over its backside, if it's [00:20:00] soiling itself that animal's sick, it's got a sick microbiome and you don't want an animal with forced stomachs to have a bad microbiome.

[00:20:06] It's not gonna be well. Right? Yeah. So if an animal human or otherwise soils itself, meaning it needs toilet paper, the microbiome was totally outta. Another one is transit time. How long does it take to go from eating it to having, when it goes done into the toilet and it should take about 18 hours and you can test that with, uh, two tablespoons of organic blueberry extract and eat that with some fruit and see how long it takes for your poop to turn dark blue.

[00:20:30] Um, now some people will say, oh, I go to the bathroom every day. I'm not constipated well, okay. But if what went in is something you ate four days ago, then that's a problem. And if you look at the space between your belly button and your pubic bone, and you see a pooch there, you know, that's very likely, um, a lot of old food that's just slowly working through and we're gonna talk about it, fix that.

[00:20:51] And then the last thing you can do is you can go get some pH paper. I think I got some over here and you know, you just, uh, there you go get some pH paper and you [00:21:00] wanna get the pH paper that goes in range from six to. If it goes from four to 10, it sets a wide range. You're not gonna be able to see their color chart exactly where you are and you want your health, your, a healthy stool is gonna be 6.6.

[00:21:12] Um, now you can have a 6.6 on your stool and still it have it be wrecked in other ways. But if it's not 6.6, if it's seven and up or 6.2 and down, there's definitely a problem. Uh, and you know, if you're like 99% of the population, your micro Obrien was probably outta whack to some degree. So then the next question is, okay, how do we recover it?

[00:21:34] And you'd think probiotics, right? Guess what everybody says? I have, you know, I have yogurt every day. I'm fine. I'm like, okay. So let's, let's go over the history of this. Um, the first probiotics we learned to make were, uh, contained the bacteria, lactobacillus ambitus, which is the baby gut. Right? And we use those to turn crush, vegetables and milk into sauerkraut and yogurt, and they're, they have a use and we can get into that.

[00:21:56] But again, this is the wrong bacteria of an adult. [00:22:00] These two represent only 0.01% of the adult gut microbiome, the other 99.99%. Aren't those? So taking probiotics is not gonna, um, at least at the moment, not gonna help us out. Now we are, the problem is those. We choose those two because they're easy to grow, right?

[00:22:19] They are somewhat oxygen tolerant, and you can scale up a lab to make these things in giant VAs. The bacteria that is actually in the gut, not only are there thousands of them, but they don't grow very well in a lab. Now, we're, we're finally getting to the point where we're learning, how to make industrial size, uh, intestine simulators to grow the bacteria you actually need, but we're still several years away.

[00:22:39] And until then we need to know where we get the good bacteria that aren't being made yet. Now you have three reserve. The first are dormant cells, meaning the, these are good cells, good bacteria in your microbiome. Assuming your mother had them to give 'em to you that go to sleep because there just aren't enough Lego saccharides in the diet.

[00:22:57] There's enough to keep them barely metabolically active, but they're [00:23:00] basically hibernating wedding for better times. So easy, easy fix, right? You take the Leggo saccharides back in the diet they bloom. Um, and you're good to go now. Uh, the second reserve is the appendix. I know we've been told the appendix is a vestigial organ.

[00:23:15] Cut it out. No big deal. No, it actually has an antiseptic or antibiotic effect where it keeps, um, infections from or bacteria from going from the large intestine up to the small. And it also has a backup copy of your microbiome. So if someone were to go get, say salmonella and terrible diarrhea and, and flesh out their microbiome or 15%, when it's done the mic, the appendix can get a little squirt and reseed it unless the person's taking something like Cipro and wipe the, uh, the bacteria out of.

[00:23:44] Uh, yeah, appendix now the third reserve is the environment and every person you meet, every hand you shake every breath, you know, every salad you eat, every bit of air you breathe in, everywhere you go, microbiome is in the air and you could say it's disgusting. Yeah. But life finds away. [00:24:00] So it's there. Um, you, so as, as you, if you, as long as there's some illegal saccharides in your diet, it's kind of unusual.

[00:24:08] Unless someone sickens a heavy duty antibiotics for all, you know, for all the Keystone species to die, uh, basically they're, they're most likely there, they're probably just dormant. And if you consider that a single surviving bacteria with the doubling time of 20 minutes in 12 hours, it's 34 billion.

[00:24:25] Right. So it doesn't take long to after refeeding the microbiome for it to repopulate. All right. So not probiotics. Although there was a place for them LIGO saccharides all right. So the next question is, can you get them with diet like our early ancestors maybe, but okay. One, it would take excellent digestion to get the illegal saccharides from the food to take inland, for example, yes.

[00:24:47] It's found in Chicky root and sold as a source of oligosaccharides, but if you can't digest it, you're not gonna get their oligo saccharides out of it. It's just gonna make a gassy nightmare. Uh, the second thing is you'd have to eat a lot of foods. You're probably not [00:25:00] accustomed to, you'd be chewing on, on tubers all day long.

[00:25:03] And the raffinose content of those would be another gut monstrosity, uh, and then lots of insects and seaweed. And, you know, these are, you know, I don't think most people really want to eat a primitive diet. Um, you'd also be, you'd be chewing tubers two hours a day. Uh, so when I realized I didn't wanna do this with diet, I decided to make a mix.

[00:25:22] Oh, here it is dumb. I decided to make a mix of the eight oligosaccharides that I decided I wanted, uh, needed for a healthy biome. And I put them in this mix and I put them in the ratio that based on what I could tell from primitive diets would be something that you would approximate what you'd get. If you were eating primitive, uh, you don't want to be eating just a whole bunch of one oligosaccharide it's gonna throw your entire microbiome, uh, in, in outta whack.

[00:25:51] And it's, you really need to get the mix. Correct. Um, but I'm gonna tell you what the, the ingredients are. So if you want, you can make it yourself and because they are oligosaccharides are [00:26:00] sugars, it actually tastes good. It's sweet. So you can put it on food if it's yeah. You, you tried it. Yeah. So lemme tell you these, um, and then, you know, I'll ask you to, you know, what your experience with it was.

[00:26:09] So absolutely. Um, the panacea contains oligosaccharides, which are what are found in tubers, right? Xylooligosaccharides oligosaccharides and fructooligosaccharides, which are found in, um, fruits and vegetable. Connective tissue, LIGO saccharides, which are found in wild game. Yes, they're in meat, but it's in the, the tough meat, like the brisket or, you know, the deer that you, you hunt in the mountains because they're, their, their muscles are very fibrous.

[00:26:37] You know, the, the factory meat, you know, this, this really expensive Kobe beef that's massaged and fed milk and beer and never allowed to move. There's no connective tissue in it. Right. Um, kite and oligosaccharides, which are found in insects and mushrooms for oligosaccharides found in seaweed, and isomalto-oligosaccharides found in honey Misa and kimchi, uh, penem has got about 200 times more.[00:27:00]

[00:27:00] Uh, galacto LIGO saccharides and you'd find in beans and 300 times more you'd find in brussel sprouts. So. You are basically, you are becoming the world's most successful hunter gatherer, you know, uh, very easily without hours of hiking around. And, and it's a quarter teaspoon

[00:27:16] Curt Mercadante: serving

[00:27:19] Spencer Feldman: it's very little doesn so much it doesn't, you know, the microbiome, the microbiome is so much for you.

[00:27:23] It's like, just, just feed me this much. Just, just a little feed me a little and I will do everything for you. Right. It's okay. So one question is why do we have to have so many different illegal saccharides? Can I just do like one or two of these things? All right. So first oligosaccharides, they act as decoy molecules.

[00:27:39] Um, what that means is, um, pathogenic, bacteria and fungi, one to attach to your gut wall and hang out there and cause trouble. But they'll attach to the illegal saccharides that said, and then out they go. So the more varied illegal saccharides you have in your diet, the more varied types of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, you can, uh, show the door.

[00:27:58] Okay. The second is different [00:28:00] bacteria that you do want have different food source requirements. So the greater diversity of LIGO saccharides you have the greater diversity of species in your microbiome, and you want a diverse microbiome, and we're gonna get into this with a carnivore diet. You want that thousand fold genetic database to do all sorts of things for you.

[00:28:19] You know, someone could, um, someone could come along and say, oh, I did a, a genetic test. I don't methylate. Your gut can methylate. Oh, well, I, I can't handle histamine and I don't have the Dao enzyme. Your gut has that. Oh, I'm I'm B12 de deficient. Your gut makes B12. Right? All these things that we think are genetic flaws.

[00:28:35] Yeah. But you've got a thousand times more genetic capacity in your gut than you do have in your own body. So, you know, it's not, don't freak out. If you've done a 23 and me test and found that you don't make methyl, you don't methylate. No problem, really your gut will make folate for you and in just the right amounts, if you have a good microbiome.

[00:28:55] Okay. The third reason we have so many illegal saccharides is, are not interchangeable. And let me tell [00:29:00] you a story, um, based on this is, this is actually the story. This is the, this is the, the origin story of this product, right? Very dear friend, she's in her twenties and she's two years into a, a serious and worsening health crisis.

[00:29:12] I mean, you know, catastrophic chronic fatigue and brain fog, w wouldn't be able to hold down a job can barely move catatonic on the ground sometimes. And, and in her twenties, this, this poor girl, right? And so I did one of these symptom questionnaires you've ever seen of these things. They're like six, you know, six pages of every symptom you could possibly imagine.

[00:29:30] And then you, you grade it and it'll tell you what organ systems are having the most symptoms. Yeah. Great thing to do. Okay. Every every organ system was in almost total collapse on this poor girl. I'm like, oh my God. You know, I've never seen this before. I, I, you know, I had no idea what to do and she was moving towards needing full-time live in care.

[00:29:51] So, all right. So I picked the top one, I said, okay. Um, her top issue was cardiac and I'm like, okay, chronic fatigue, cardiac. Maybe she's got [00:30:00] something going on with her ventricles prolapse. You know, maybe she's got a Mitra valve prolapse. Maybe she's got some heart damage. I dunno, what's going on. Take, you know, send her to a top cardiologist.

[00:30:09] Her heart is in perfect condition. Only thing they say is, well, there is a lot of inflammation. I'm like, okay, inflammation, write that down. Okay. So go to the next one on the list. Um, uh, neurologic. So we, uh, do a blood test and check all our neurotransmitters for neurotransmitters were wrecked. They were either completely crashed or totally spike.

[00:30:29] There's nothing anywhere in the middle. And what do you do with someone like that? So I tried, you know, giving your various supplements to try to bring the high ones down, low ones up. And it just, it just threw everything outta whack. I couldn't be managed, right. It wasn't, you could not micromanage her neurotransmitters.

[00:30:46] So I'm, I'm looking, I'm looking, I'm looking and I'm going down the list. I'm finally, it says gut I'm like, well, gosh, it's obviously not her gut. It's like all the way down the list, but maybe I can give the poor girls some like a 10% benefit. Right. Just get her a little bit better. And so did a stool test and low and behold, [00:31:00] her gut was wrecked.

[00:31:01] Wow. Cuz she wasn't presenting with a lot of gut issues. Right? That's the thing. It don't say it. You won't think it's gut. Okay. Sometimes. And what had happened is, you know, we, uh, she had taken a long course of antibiotics for her current kidney infections as a kid, she'd wipe wiped out her microbiome. And remember the microbiome is the regulatory capacity of the body.

[00:31:20] So this explains her inability to regulate her neurotransmitters. She couldn't also regulate her body temperatures. She would never sweat when it got warm, although shes sweats now. Nice story. All right. Anyway, so that explained her, her neurotransmitters, her fatigue, her inflammation from lipo polysaccharides.

[00:31:35] And so I said, okay, wow. Um, what do I do? And I found out that you don't do probiotics, cuz she's probably already got the bacteria in her. They're just dormant. So what I did is I made a mix of every oligosaccharide I could think of and the ratio I thought would work and I gave it to her three days later, she was 80% better.

[00:31:55] Which, you know, from someone who was basically in tears, that they would never have a life. That [00:32:00] was amazing. Yeah. And so that was great, but then, okay. Um, I ran out of two of the illegal saccharides and with over the course of three days, she completely regressed. She was back to catatonia, back to, in able to move.

[00:32:14] And I'm like, all right. Um, I think it might be this one. So I, I got her, those oligosaccharides gave it back to her again. And in two hours she was, um, wasn't bedridden anymore. She made herself lunch and over the next four days, she got back again. So what are the takeaways from this right? One illegal oligosaccharides are not interchangeable.

[00:32:35] You know, um, she was getting six of the eight and missed two, and that was enough to completely back her back. And the second is if you have the right materials to work with. If you have Theo saccharides, you can regain your health faster than you lose it. She recovered in four days, which took two years to lose.

[00:32:52] And then the other thing is like, well, now I've gotta make it as a product. So that was just making it for her. Right. I've gotta make, because how many people are like her, [00:33:00] right. So that's the origin story of, of, uh, panacea and actually, you know, most of my products or a lot of them basically have an origin story of somebody I cared for was sick.

[00:33:11] How do I help them? And then, oh, I should make this available. That's amazing.

[00:33:15] Curt Mercadante: And, and, and it wasn't just that, did you try just giving her the two or did

[00:33:19] Spencer Feldman: it happen? No, I was not gonna, I, I was never gonna put her through that misery of again, I'm like, okay, we know eight, we know the eight work, you know, if I give you the two and then tho, and then you're, but that, so, and you know, what am I gonna do?

[00:33:32] Try, try to, you know, people, you know, there's an idea of a magic bullet approach. I'm, I'm much more in favor of the enchanted shotgun. You know, it's like, I don't care. Realistically, maybe one, maybe she only needed those. It doesn't matter. It's not, we're trying to figure out because somebody else might need a difference to, I, I don't know.

[00:33:50] So I'm gonna give them everyone. I'm gonna give you every illegal saccharide you could possibly come into contact with as the most successful hunter gatherer of all time. And in the ratio I think is appropriate and [00:34:00] your gut will figure it out.

[00:34:02] Curt Mercadante: Is, is this, um, from a, from a caloric standpoint and spiking sugars, you know, there's people who are afraid of, they have glucose monitors and they're doing this and they've heard, oh my gosh, you know, what effect does the panacea have in

[00:34:16] Spencer Feldman: that?

[00:34:16] Okay, illegal saccharides will have a regulating effect on blood sugar. Number one, you can't digest them. So you can't get any energy out of them. There is sugar that does nothing for your, to your blood sugar, right? However, your blood sugar is regulated. Not by your pancreas. Primarily is regulated primarily by your microbiome that tells the pancreas what to do, right?

[00:34:36] It's the one behind the scenes running the whole show. So when your microbiome is healthy, your blood sugar will, should normalize. Because it's getting, it's better able to, to, to regulate that. And actually, um, you you're actually gonna get access to about 10% more energy because you're now, uh, the microbiome is able to burn those sugars in a way that's slow.

[00:34:57] And then you get the Clark energy out of that. So [00:35:00] not only will you have more energy, but it'll be more stable.

[00:35:02] Curt Mercadante: So if anyone's doing it and, and maybe you have an opinion, I'm sure you do on, on some like intermittent fasting. Okay. Uh, does it break a fast or no,

[00:35:11] Spencer Feldman: I'm a purist, right? I do 14 day water fast once a year.

[00:35:14] And I believe when you do it fast, you just do water. Got it. Having said that I would want my microbiome healthy before I did it fast. And I would consider possibly taking it rectally during a fast, under certain conditions. I I'd have to, I'd have to kind of think about that a little bit, but, uh, let, let's get to those.

[00:35:31] Let's get to those points and we'll kind of understand it, a larger perspective. So I wanna give your leers eight secrets to the healthy microbiome, right? Okay. So the first secret is consume a wide variety of illegal saccharides at the right ratio. That's it just, just, just feed it if you do nothing else, but feed it, you are, you're gonna get the most, an amazing human upgrade you over time.

[00:35:56] You can imagine. Okay, now let's talk about the next one. [00:36:00] What about fiber? Okay. So humans are estimated to have been here for about a 200,000 years in our current form, 190,000 years. We were hunter gatherers. Uh, 10,000 years we were farmers and the last a hundred years were modern men and women. Hunter gatherers were eating about a hundred grams of fiber a day early farmers, about 35 and modern man about 15.

[00:36:21] And, uh, you know, with lower levels of fiber, the risk of mortality goes up significantly. So, you know, you wanna eat a certain amount of fiber. The question is how much, uh, eating the amount of fiber that the hunter gatherers did. It's not realistic, you know, uh, I'm not gonna chew on tubers all day long. Um, but the modern diet's fiber deficient.

[00:36:41] So I aim at 35 grams of fiber a day like we did for 10,000 years at the Dawn of agriculture. Um, you know, considering that 35 grams of fiber work for the last 500 generations of humans, I'd say it's proven itself to be a functional dietary, uh, protocol. Now, how do you get to 35 grams of fiber? [00:37:00] Now, some people will say I ate a lot of salad.

[00:37:02] Kurt, how many grams of fiber do you think are in a cup of shreded carrots? Oh, my gosh, I have no idea. Five. Yeah, three almost none. Right? We think there's all this fiber in it, actually not so much. Right. So if you're only gonna get three grams from a cup of carrots, how, how are you ever gonna get to 35 grams a day?

[00:37:21] And the answer is beans. Yes, mm-hmm beans are the first crop ever cultivated before grains. And I think they're the best ones. They give us 17 grams of fiber, depending on the bean, uh, for a cup of, um, per cup and the rest. You that's half of your dietary fiber intake. The rest you can do with grains and fruits and vegetables.

[00:37:39] Now, some people say, oh, I can't do beans. They give me gas. Well, first off, um, soak the beans twice, soak 'em RINs, some soak. 'em RINs them, do that for a day and then cook them. That will make a huge difference. Much more than taking bean O will, uh, that enzyme I don't. And then the other one is, um, triad, Zuki beans.

[00:37:57] They are the least of they, they are the least musical [00:38:00] bean . I can put it that way. Um, and so, uh, if you're gonna get past 35 grams of fiber a day day, you're probably gonna have to take a fiber supplement, which I would not do. Okay. Uh, insoluble fiber irritates, the D an irritated damaged gut and soluble fiber creates methane gas, which aside from flatulence is a paralytic agent and it paralyzes the intestines.

[00:38:22] And I'll talk to talk to you a little bit about, uh, how to deal with methane production. Um, alright. I'll tell you right now, I'll give you a bonus. If you've got methane production, um, there's a bug in your, it's not even a bacteria. It's an, uh, it's a, it's an earlier than bacteria. Uh, it's an, the ArcHa group fine call a bacteria and they're meth antigens.

[00:38:40] They make methane and the methane not only makes gas, uh, but it also paralyzes the intestine. And if you. Take, uh, a quarter of teaspoon of, uh, food grade, EPS and salts, a couple of times a day in a glass of water that will shunt away from the metogenic bacteria into the acetate producing bacteria, because sulfate will [00:39:00] shift, uh, the metabolic processes.

[00:39:02] Um, methanogens are like weeds. They're very easy to outcompete, as long as the, there there's proper fertilization. So in this case, the fertilization is sulfate, which most of us are insufficient in. So, uh, you, um, actually have been doing, uh, the beans for a little while. What's your experience been? Yeah, I mean, I

[00:39:20] Curt Mercadante: hadn't had beans in 13 years, you know, because of gas and just because of inflammation and oh, I read, oh, inflamm, you know, so I got organic Kazuki beans.

[00:39:29] Mm-hmm , uh, natural grocers here soaked them for 24 hours. Mm-hmm , uh, brought 'em to a boil, cooked them and really no issues at all. Mm-hmm um, I've noticed if I eat them at night versus the morning, I have a little bit more of a problem and maybe it's what I'm eating 'em with, but it also, the interesting thing is it adds cuz I've been mostly carnivore, so meat and eggs, you know, mm-hmm , it adds some bulk.

[00:39:53] And what I have to be careful of is I'm so used to eating so much because meat and eggs don't fill me up that I [00:40:00] don't need that much anymore because the beans really. Bulk mm-hmm like, I feel bulk, not in a bad way, but I just feel some bulk there from eating it that I haven't felt in a long time.

[00:40:12] Spencer Feldman: So, yeah.

[00:40:13] Yeah. And well, it's important because that physical bulk you're feeling is creating hormones in the gut that are then regulating the body. Right? So you need that feeling in order just to create certain hormones in order to run your whole system. But let's talk about why you, you might have been getting some gas, how late in the, how late at night were you.

[00:40:30] Curt Mercadante: Uh, yesterday I ate about, I eat pretty early. I ate about 5:00 PM. Mm-hmm mm-hmm uh, and I had breakfast, usually I'll eat breakfast around six or seven, and then I don't eat lunch. I'm just not hungry. Mm-hmm and usually I'll, then I'll eat around five or six in the middle of the day. I'll have my, I'll have my panacea and some water, you know, and things like that.

[00:40:48] And maybe I'll have something, a little snack mm-hmm to kind of have

[00:40:51] Spencer Feldman: it with it. So you weren't eating late at night. You weren't like eating to get eight o'clock no. No. Okay. So let's talk about transit time, cuz that's really where the next question is. So we're getting on the, the third, the first secret is the LIGO [00:41:00] saccharides.

[00:41:00] The second secret is beans. The third secret is transit time. That's how long it takes from point a to point B. Right? And depending on the kind of food we eat, uh, it's one to four hours in the stomach, about six hours in the small intestine and 10 hours ish in the large intestine. Now, if you have a transit time, less than 16 hours, you're not your gut.

[00:41:18] Doesn't have enough time to absorb things. And that's a right. But much more likely is transit. Time is longer than normal. You can have transit times of 2, 3, 4, 5 days. And these people will say, I'm not constipated. I go to the bathroom every day. Yeah. But it's from five days ago. Right. And so what'll happen is, you know, some people, if you, if it takes more than 18 hours, you start getting future action and fermentation and I'll explain why that happens.

[00:41:42] Um, now some people will, so how do you fix a transit time? Well, first off, don't take things like Kasra, because these are stimulants that you get used to. And then now you have to take them to have a normal transit time. And then if you stop them, you have a really low transit of time. It's a drug, it's a drug addiction model.

[00:41:57] So that's not way, but there are a few things [00:42:00] now, uh, consider the hots of Tanzania, right? Again, they eat a hundred grams of fiber a day, but here's the key. They do 135 minutes of vigorous exercise a day. That comes too. And here's the magic number 1.3, five minutes of exercise for every gram of fiber you eat.

[00:42:16] Hmm. So. Hang on a minute. There we go. That means if you're eating standard diet of 15 grams of fiber, you have to eat, you have to hike 20 minutes a day or do a 30 minute walk. But if you are gonna eat 35 grams of fiber, which is what I'm suggesting you do, that's an hour walk a day and consider that intestinal transit and Persis is a very muscular activity.

[00:42:41] This is one of the reasons why exercise speeds of transit time. If you have weak muscles in your body, you're also gonna have weak muscles in your intestines, and it's not gonna move the food in inappropriate speed. Um, so the third secret is taking walks. Um, and I'm gonna add something to that. Um, what are the main cancers of men and women?

[00:42:59] Just, [00:43:00] what would you say the three main cancers are, uh, would it be prostate and breast, prostate, and breast for men and women. And how about for both of them together? There's one other that they both get colon. Boom. Okay. So walking. All right. So for women it's wearing bras. Right. The wire bras are knocking out the circulation, plus the Endar, the, and locking up their lymphatics and their underarms without nasty crystals, aluminum salts, and God knows whatever they toxins and these stick right into their breasts for men and, and for men and women, it's sitting, when you sit down, you jam up the prostate and blood flow cannot get to it properly.

[00:43:34] This is one of the reasons I think men get so much prostate. So the only time I ever sit down is like right now, when I'm sitting down for a podcast, otherwise I'm standing up at my desk. And I, my, maybe when I'm eating, other than that, you will never see me in a chair because you want the flow. You don't wanna pinch off the blood flow of your prostate, but also when you're walking, the motion of the walking is flushing the prostate back and forth.

[00:43:55] Then the same thing with sitting also kinks up the colon. Now there's not a lot of blood [00:44:00] flow in the colon at certain points. So what are we really seeing? I think that sitting is causing or accentuating and increasing the risk of both. Prostate cancer and men and colon cancer and men and women. And when you walk, not only are you you're flushing blood through that area.

[00:44:15] So, you know, third secret is taking walks, right. Go out for a walk. Um, and now you've heard don't eat at night. You know, grandma always say, oh, it's too late. Don't eat. And I'm explaining why there's a special kind of, uh, Persis called. Um, the migrating motor complex is the common name for it. And it's how the gut cleans itself of leftover debris, right?

[00:44:35] There's all these different kinds of peristalsis. There's one that moves it forward a little bit. There's one that moves it forward, but leaves a little bit of hole in there. So some goes forward and sub comes back, it mixes it there's some that kind of squeeze like this and they're going back and forth.

[00:44:47] And then there's one that just goes straight from the top to the bottom. It just goes all the way down the giant, the migrating motor complex and flushes it all clean. And we need this because if you end up with food, just hanging out in your small intestine, cuz it never [00:45:00] gets flushed. Then you're gonna end up with Sebo, small intestine, bacterial lower growth, which we can talk about in a minute.

[00:45:06] So, um, the small intestine will not go through this cleansing flush if there's food in the stomach or the small intestine. That means if, so, what you want is you want it have dinner start or dinner, end dinner, start 14, 14 hours between dinner and breakfast, right? That way, let's say you, if you have four hours in the stomach and eight, you know, uh, six hours in the small intestine, you still have a couple of hours now for the gut to clean itself every night.

[00:45:35] So really important. Don't snack after dinner, have your dinner. If you, you know, when, if you're gonna have your dinner at, at, uh, you know, if you, if you, if you eat at eight o'clock at night, then stomachs in the food are four hours. That's 12, six more hours or six in the morning. And if you wake up at six o'clock with a blaring alarm clock, turning on your sympathetic nervous system, you know, you never get your gut cleaned out.

[00:45:57] So again, 14 hours between breakfast to [00:46:00] dinner. I'm sorry between dinner and breakfast. That's a, a key one and no, so no snacking. So the fourth secret 14 hours between dinner and breakfast and no nighttime snacks after. Hmm. Now another thing people will say is like, well, what about digestion? Um, it's really important that only fiber and oligosaccharides enter the large intestine.

[00:46:17] Let me say it again, cuz it's the key thing. It's important that only fiber and oligosaccharides re enter the large intestine. Everything else should be digested and absorbed in the small intestine. Now, when we eat beyond our capacity to digest and absorb carbohydrates, proteins and fats end up in the large intestine and they cause problems, proteins and fats in the large intestines stimulate the growth of a petrifying form of clostridia, which is the same form of bacteria that digests corpses and what big corpses smell.

[00:46:44] So God awful. If you ever go to an autopsy, wow. Um, carbohydrates, other than LIGO, saccharides at fiber in the large intestine ferment and create gas, alcohol, feral, dehydrates, and feed Canda. So you wanna eat enough of each of these major groups and nourish yourself, but not so much that you get spill over into the [00:47:00] large intestine and create Petri dysbiosis.

[00:47:02] And this is, and I'm not saying, Hey, you can't. You know, go and, and go to birthday party and pig out on, on, on, you know, cake or go to barbecue and just have all the ribs you can possibly eat. You can do that. A couple of caveats, one, um, make sure that that evening, you know, you get a fair amount of time to flesh it all out.

[00:47:24] Um, and two, uh, yeah, make sure your trans at time is functional that way. Yeah, you've got it. You know, you broke the rules, but whatever, you know, life is, you know, you wanna enjoy life. You don't wanna, you know, have not be able to break any rules. The idea is to be so healthy that you can break the rules once in a while, but to know what the rules are and to know how to kind of, um, kind of cheat.

[00:47:45] So I'm gonna tell you how to cheat, right? Um, so, so the fifth secret is don't eat more than your capacity, right? But then you've got some people that, uh, there don't even digest small amounts of food, you know, so know what do they do? Because even if they eat a [00:48:00] little bit of food every day, you know, at each meal, they still can't even digest that.

[00:48:03] So there's three HES, one. Chew your food. Well, if you don't have a good bite alignment, go to a dentist, two, make sure your bile is flowing because if not, it's gonna throw off your fat digestion, gives the pancreas ly burns. And, uh, we have a product on our website called GLIs in the orange box. You can look at that.

[00:48:20] And the third is take digestive enzymes with your meals, which is the trick, right? Um, that way either, if you're going to take an enormous meal, take a bunch of digestive enzymes with it. So it doesn't get to the colon and digested and cause future faction. Or if you just have digestive issues, even with small meals, not a problem, there are plant to animal based enzymes you can take.

[00:48:41] And I take them every day with each meal, because as you age, you kind of run out of your metabolic, um, allotment of enzymes. And I don't wanna run out of it early. So, um, you know, if you have gas that smells bad. So if a person has gas, they're probably, uh, fermenting and they're large intestine from excess.

[00:48:59] [00:49:00] Sugars that made it to it. And if their body, if their breath or their body smells bad anywhere in their body, then they probably have, uh, protein that's tifying in the gut. And if they have gas that smells bad, then they've got the, they've got the trifecta, they've got proteins and fats and Garbos, they're all, you know, getting funky in the large intestine.

[00:49:18] And so now you know how to deal with that. So the sixth secret is digestive enzymes looks like you got, you got you. You have something you wanna no, no, I just,

[00:49:27] Curt Mercadante: it, it, it's all very fascinating. And, and, uh, the, how do you know, how can you tell cuz some people just literally can't tell, I guess, eat slower, but, but if, once you've gone beyond your capacity, because some people eat so quickly.

[00:49:40] Right. And maybe that's the secret before they, when they, they hit their capacity three minutes ago, but they don't know it cuz they've just, they're eating so fast. What's a good kind of, uh, Clue that okay. I'm at capacity I'm gonna stop.

[00:49:54] Spencer Feldman: Well, yeah, absolutely. So that those are the four things I said, you know, when you look at your stool, I mean, you could look and you could actually see [00:50:00] undigested fibers in there.

[00:50:01] Uh, you could toilet paper, toilet, paper, and pH, you know, if you need toilet paper, your gut's not right. And this could be one of the reasons. Got it. Okay. Secret number six, uh, digestive enzymes. Now let's go to number seven. There are two prebiotics that aren't in the panacea formula and that's because they're easy to make they're cheap and they'd be required in such large amounts that I wouldn't have any room in the jar.

[00:50:24] So I'm gonna tell you how to make 'em yourself. These are retrograde or resistance, starches and beta cans. Now a, a retrograde starch or a resistant starch is what happens when you take a starch, you starchy food like grain or beans or potatoes or rice, and then you put them in the fridge for four hours and it causes a starch to crystallize and takes a different form.

[00:50:43] It turns it into a time release of Leggo saccharide. So if you do have blood sugar issues, but you still want to be able to enjoy. Hey, you know what sushi you could say, if you, if you do it yourself, meaning you haven't added sugar to the rice and you just do white rice and fish or brown rice and fish, you could say, quote unquote, that's paleo.

[00:50:59] Because [00:51:00] even though it's a starch, because you, you put it in the fridge, you've changed it from a starch to a retrograde starch. You're not gonna get the same blood sugar crash. So, um, beta can is the prebiotic is, uh, also works with the immune system. It's a prebiotic and you find it in very high amounts in oats.

[00:51:17] So if you want these two prebiotics, I'm referring to, all you have to do is cook organic whole grain oats and stick 'em in the fridge for four hours. Uh, I kind of go a little past that I actually cooked the oats, blend them up with panacea and some probiotics. And then I cook them or I, I ferment them for two days to get the bacteria and then I stick them in the fridge.

[00:51:37] So I've got like, I've got the beta can, the retrograde starts and I've made a probiotic, which is really what I'm dialed in, but secret number seven, chilled oatmeal. Hmm. And then the final secret, it's a good attitude, right? So the microbiome it's gonna affect your mood. Um, the microbiome produces consumes and regulates neurochemicals that create our emotions.

[00:51:58] Uh, but our emotions also [00:52:00] stimulate the growth of various bacteria. So like fear and anger and stress, which would be adrenaline, neuro adrenaline and cortisol, respectively stimulate the growth of pathologic bacteria and can turn good bacteria. On the other hand, oxytocin, which is the neurotransmitter release to the feelings of love and compassions and puppies and little babies, you know, that supports a growth of good bacteria and good bacteria makes oxytocin, right?

[00:52:23] So it's, it's either a vicious or a virtuous cycle. Depends which one you want to do. Uh, and so let's go with the virtuous cycle, you know, have a good, the better mood you have, the better bacteria you create, create the, make it easier to have a better mood. So let me tell you what happened to me, right? I told you the, the origin story.

[00:52:40] So I was, that was patient zero, right? I'm I'm patient number one, the second patient. So I started taking it. I'm like, wow, it's really helping her. Uh, I feel like I'm in pretty good shape, but let, let's see. Um, and so over the course of a month, this is what. My eyesight got better. I was the first thing I noticed, uh, like all of a sudden I need heavy glasses in what I'm reading [00:53:00] and you know, the eyes have a very fine blood blood supply.

[00:53:04] They're tiny blood vessels. So when the blood vessels start to get damaged, you see it in the eyes. First, they have tiny blood vessels, tiny nerves. It's sort of like your Canary in the coal mine. So the eyesight got better, which was nice. Um, the next thing is, you know, um, my physical strength improved. So, you know, in my, in my garage, I've got a gym set up.

[00:53:21] And so I was in there and I was, um, doing bench and all of a sudden I'm like, God, did someone lower the lower the weights? Like, no, that's, that's still the same number weights. Why am I able, why is this so much easier? And so I had to, I, I had to lay, put more weights on and not only did my strength increase, but my endurance increased and I'm not the kind of body type that puts on muscle easily.

[00:53:42] I, I plateaued, I got it. You know, as strong as I was gonna get basically amount of work I was doing. I got an upgrade. Right. I got stronger. My bio, my microbiome said, Hey, would you like another 10, 15% of strength? I'm like, yeah, sure. Um, so physical strength or endurance went up. My sense of balance improved.

[00:53:59] Now here's an [00:54:00] interesting one. I was a mid forceps delivery, which meant I was coming in paratrooper coming in feed. First doctor went in with some forceps, grabbed my head, twisted me, pulled me outta my head was like the, like a, like an eggplant. By the time I came out huge brain damage. Right. And I have never had good balance.

[00:54:15] I could never dance. Well, I could never lift one foot up and take a shoe off and on my whole life. Right. My balance is great. Now I can lift a foot up, pick a shoe off, put it back on, stand up, and I can dance now, which is fantastic because I love dancing. And I was always terrible at it. And now I like a dancer on the house and it's great.

[00:54:32] And it's fun and I'm not falling over all the time. So I've got, you know, I'm 53, I've got a lot of dancing to make up for. So, you know, having, but the, the interesting thing is. This wasn't a recent bit of damage. This is something this is damaged from 53 years ago. So my microbiome was able to fix damage.

[00:54:49] I had, that was 53 years old, so that I think is amazing. And the next thing is my skin got really resisted to scrapes and cuts. So, you know, I work off grid on a farm. I love off grid on a farm. [00:55:00] And you know, you're always cutting your hands, you know, you know, barbed wire, weed, pulling, whatever. And, uh, I was walking barefoot the other day when the story happened and I caught my foot in a door and I ripped the Achilles tendon and the top of my foot up, I'm like, oh my God, I, I can't believe I did this.

[00:55:18] Why did I wear shoes? And I get, you know, I get back home and I'm looking at it thinking I'm enough to rinse it out. I might need to have stitches. I don't know. And I look at it, there's no blood. I'm like, oh, that's a hard, I look closer. I'm like the skin isn't even scrap. It was red. That was it. And that redness was gone the next day that that injury would have torn me up into pieces a month ago.

[00:55:40] And so my skin got stronger and Kurt that's when it, it dawned on me, I figured it out. Do you know what all these things have in common? I C physical strength, endurance balance, and skin. No, these are all things that get worse with age. So in return for feeding my microbiome, the [00:56:00] oligosaccharides, it was asking for all this time, it made it returned a favor and started making me younger.

[00:56:04] It was upgrading me. And you know, there's a, there are, are studies where they'll take the microbiome of a young mouse or rat. Put it into a transplant and it into the, the colon of an old rat mouse. And what happens to the old rattle mouse? It gets younger. It's fur fills back in, again, all the, all the patches of missing fur fill in and it gets the fur gets darker and shinier.

[00:56:29] It starts doing mounting behavior, meaning they become sexual again. So maybe aging is secondary to the microbiome. Maybe what's really going on is it's not that we are aging. Our microbiome is aging. And then when our microbiome ages, we age as a Corolla area, as a secondary effect to that.

[00:56:48] Curt Mercadante: That's fascinating.

[00:56:49] And you know, it's, I, I, I get acupuncture and I was recently talking to my acupunctures, you know, there's, there's a lot of things that go on. I mean, you mentioned antibiotics, but there's certainly, I [00:57:00] assume a lot of other medications and other things that may come in syringes, right. That, that also have an effect on microbiome.

[00:57:08] There's a lot of EMFs things in the world, right. That can affect this and we can protest and we can try to stop it. You live off grid, but these things are they're growing, right. I mean, unless we, we take down every 5g te whatever it is, my acupunctures, he, he said to me, he said, listen, I'm not saying any of those things are bad in trying to stop 'em.

[00:57:28] But the key is how about we upgrade ourselves to deal with these things.

[00:57:32] Spencer Feldman: Yeah. You know, a, a famous, um, naturopath once said, you know, if you can't have your client eat a hot dog on a soda and not feel sick, you haven't fixed them. And obviously this guy was not promoting hot dogs and Saudi, he was saying, look, you you've gotta, what, what, what, what, what he said, what your acupuncture is saying without, you know, what they're really saying is you need the ability to maintain homeostasis.

[00:57:54] You need the ability to bounce back from metabolic insults. That is the microbiome. I make [00:58:00] detox products to detox the liver yet the main detox organ I now understand is not the liver. It's the microbiome. The liver only takes over for the stuff the microbiome can't do or for stuff that you get, uh, by inhalation.

[00:58:12] So it, the microbiome is the main thing, but you know, you once wanted to, you, you asked, uh, you said we should talk about the carnivore diet because of oh yeah. Yeah. So let's, let's talk about that. I understand a lot of your listeners are carnivores and that's awesome. So, you know, W people who are, who end up on a carnivore.

[00:58:29] So there's a lot of extreme diets, right? And that doesn't mean they're bad, but they're extreme they're and they're usually, they're basically diets. People will find based on a inability of them, a problem with their microbiome, right? So if someone cannot digest fat, they'll end up on a low fat diet. If someone cannot digest meat, they'll say, oh, meat is toxic and bad.

[00:58:51] I'm vegan is the way to go, but that's because they lack the ability to digest meat, right? If they cannot digest plant material, they can end up as on a carnivore [00:59:00] diet because they lack the CAPA, their microbiome lacks the capacity to digest plant matter. And so the, the truth for these people is that they have found, they have found that it is better to have a limited healthy microbiome than a, a complete diet, an erect microbiome.

[00:59:17] And I wouldn't take that away from them. If you find that when you eat carnivore, you feel better. That's an amazing truth. But the next step is let's take you from a limited meat microbiome to a complete omnivore microbiome. So let's talk about why we might want that, right? When you are on a meat only diet, uh, there's a couple of issues.

[00:59:37] One, we don't have 500 generations of meat, only diet. Like we do farmer diet to know what that's going to do long term to the body, right? We don't even have 20, 30 years of it's relatively new. And if you are going to say, well, this is how you know animals eat. Okay. But if you are aligned in the Serengeti, one of the first things you eat is the intestines of the animal.

[00:59:59] You're eating the small intestines, [01:00:00] cuz you're eating the plant matter. You're eating the plant matter that they, that uh, that gazelle was digesting for you. So even the carnivores in nature are eating plants. They're only eating it after it's been predigested for them. And the second is even the best hunter gatherers in the hunt in the za.

[01:00:16] They're only successful like every three, every three days on winter hunting. So, yes, they're eating meat, but not every day, not even every other day, they're mostly eating plant matter. And then meat afterwards when they have a successful hunt. Again, that doesn't mean a carnivore diet is bad. It just means if we're going to say it's natural, um, based on primitive diets and carnivore animals.

[01:00:40] Well, is that really the case? Okay. So is it good for us? Well, we don't know, long term, we may have issues, uh, with what's going on, um, with some, um, metabolites that are gonna be created. Um, if you overdo your capacity to digest meat, it will petrify in the large intestine. You're gonna get, get [01:01:00] metabolites like cadamine and Petre scene and all sorts of really nasty things you don't want in the body that can cause, uh, heart damage chronically 20 years later.

[01:01:10] So what I would say is, okay, if you're a carnivore, um, the next step up from that would be to say, Hey, can we get you to the point where you can. As an omnivore and the reason you might want that is again, if you're only eating one thing and you overrun your capacity to eat that one thing over time, well, what will you do as a carnivore if 20 years down the line, you've so burnt out your protein digestive system that you can't eat meat anymore.

[01:01:31] Hmm. Now you're really screwed cuz now you can't eat meat and you can't eat anything. Right? So you want to, if you're going to do that, please take some lytic enzyme. So you don't burn out your meat digestion capacity, but why might you want to add plants to the diet? Well, my thought on the matter is for all the things the microbiome does for us, I won the healthiest microbiome I can get.

[01:01:53] And the healthiest microbiome is the one with the most amount of genetic diversity. Now, if I'm only eating meat, I'm only eating one or [01:02:00] two LIGO saccharides that I'm gonna find a connective tissue. There are most of my bacteria in my gut might not be getting the food they need and those bacteria will therefore not be regulating me.

[01:02:11] I'm not gonna, uh, their microbiome makes 500,000 different meta metabolite. At least, and it represents 40% of the compounds floating in your bloodstream. It is the biggest effect on your body and your mind and your psyche and your emotions and your health. So I want that thing to be, you know, the most amazing microbiome possible.

[01:02:32] And I don't wanna limit my microbiome species diversity by limiting my illegal saccharide intake to just a few things that deal with meat. So, um, what you could consider is can we walk you back? You know? Yes, I honor the fact that you don't handle plants. Well, let's work on getting you to the point where you can be an omnivore, so you can have this incredibly robust microbiome.

[01:02:56] So you don't burn out your meat pathways and end up in a, you [01:03:00] know, you know, painted into a corner that would be. My offer my suggestion. Yeah, no, absolutely.

[01:03:05] Curt Mercadante: I mean, adding the beans has been great. Um, I'm a little addicted to 'em now. I love the taste of 'em. Um, you know, fruits, I deal with fruits pretty well.

[01:03:15] There's some veggies that I've and some of them make no sense as to fitting in certain categories. Like I shouldn't handle broccoli. Well, cuz there's certain things I handle broccoli, just fine cauliflower, not that great. Um, so there's certain things that I'll eat that I try to stay away from kale. I try to stay away from some of those things.

[01:03:34] Um, mm-hmm but uh, there's certain veggies that I have if I go to the local juice here and I have a veggie juice, I mean talk about transit time. It's about an hour mm-hmm or half hour. Um, so trying to identify some of those things. You know, for me adding the beans was a huge step and I had to get over the mental, oh my gosh, I'm adding beans.

[01:03:56] I feel full, I'm getting fat or, or something [01:04:00] like that. Right. But now it's interesting adding, you know, and thinking about the rice and thinking about some other things to ferment, uh, as a next step as well. Mm-hmm um, but then adding, I mean, I love fruit. I eat fruit. I actually add honey, uh, to my diet, um, Manuka, honey, uh, I usually have, uh, or local honey sometimes.

[01:04:19] Um, but yeah, I'm all in it. And I think part of it quite honestly, is, is the mental game where I grew up overweight and I had the crap beat outta me and all these things. And, and so doing a lot of subconscious work over the past year, I've noticed that some of the food intolerances I may have created as a way to say, I just can't eat those things.

[01:04:40] It was easier for me to say that than discipline. Or, or something. And so now maybe I've messed it up. Now it helped a number of things. Right. And I was paleo, so I was eating fruits and vegetables in those things. I think, I think though that my, my microbiome and, [01:05:00] and, you know, over the last six months, you know, we, um, I, I, and actually over the last year I was having some, some gut issues in terms of transit time, but just every, nothing was solid.

[01:05:13] Right. Everything DMI for the listeners. Right. And, you know, looking back every time we went to Europe and we're going to Italy next week and. You know, I kind of, self-diagnosed a histamine intolerance, but not all the time. And I, I think maybe it was during allergy season, like, I'd go to Chipotle and I love guacamole.

[01:05:35] Sometimes the guacamole I had, I had to run. Right. Uh, and sometimes it was fine. But when we went to Europe, I noticed big problems to the point where I, I try to stay off all medications and I had to go get, uh, I forget what it is basically to stop, to stop yourself up. But then I looked and it's like, well, every plate there that I got had eggplant on it.

[01:05:57] Hmm. And a lot of high histamine foods. So I'm [01:06:00] wondering, well, but then there's certain things that should bother me. Like ground beef doesn't bother me at all. Mm-hmm so maybe it's just the microbiome and maybe by building this up, all this stuff won't affect

[01:06:09] Spencer Feldman: me or it won't. So are you, um, use your gut better now since you've been doing the, the panacea?

[01:06:16] Curt Mercadante: Yeah. Over the last two, uh, two, uh, two weeks, you know, it's so I'm two weeks into. Right. I did three days of the, the clearing phase or the cleaning phase. And so I'm about two weeks into it. What I've noticed is cuz I'm, you know, I'm 47, so there's 47 years plus however long I've been playing with stuff, I notice a massive change for the better, but I also notice I'm not fully in rhythm yet.

[01:06:45] You know? I mean, things are still kind of, uh, you know, um, but you know, when my gut is off, I notice my mental game is off and things bother me. Hmm. [01:07:00] And I feel in my gut, it's almost like, you know, you CR for the last two weeks, I haven't felt that

[01:07:05] Spencer Feldman: like you, no, lemme tell you a story about that. Cause that's, and by the way, give you, it usually takes about 21 days for your gut to really kind of organize itself.

[01:07:12] Um, they did a study of brains and were showing. Upset faces to people and monitoring their brain activity. Right. And then they gave they, they gave, uh, they improved their gut and showed it to 'em again. And what they found is that you, people would not be so upset by upset faces if their microbiome was healthier.

[01:07:38] And what this basically means is if you have people that can't say, no, these are people pleasers. These are people that can't be in the present. They can't see someone upset at them and handle it. That is now one of my signs that they're, they have a sick microbiome. Uh, if, if someone has an issue saying no, and they have, and they have issues with, um, boundaries that's microbiome, which is sort of like [01:08:00] this, the, the, um, Fractal re uh, the fractal version of self earth is versus other, right?

[01:08:09] The microbiome is there to say, this is cool. That's not attack this, let this be. And it's kind of organizing your ability to flow with things and resist things. And it plays out psychologically as the ability to flow with people or resist people and, and have a good psychological state. So indeed, um, you know, I I'd said that the main thing about the gut microbiome is it doesn't show up as gut.

[01:08:31] It does show up psychologically. One of the main, what I would say is fatigue or anything psychological first thought is the gut. Um, to talk a little bit about like fruits and, and vegetables. Uh, I do fruits too, but I only do them when I'm gonna exercise. Mm. So I'm burning the sugar. So basically what I do is every morning I go out for my 45 minute hike on the mountain and I go, and I collect, you know, my strawberries and I, or whatever fruits in, in season off my orchard.

[01:08:57] And then as I'm hiking, I'm [01:09:00] eating fruit. So I'm eating, I'm, I'm burning the sugar. As I'm taking it in. Right. And I'm getting my walk-in, so I won't do fruit and then sit down. Right? Yeah. If you want, if you want to eat fruit, if you want the sugar, if you want the candy of the natural world, go out for a hike.

[01:09:15] That's that's, that's how you earn. That's how you earn your fruit. Well, we've got plenty of that here in Sedona, so that's good. Right. Okay. And then in terms of vegetables, yeah. You know, there's plenty of vegetables. You shouldn't touch with the 10 foot pole because of the antinutrients in them. And then some of it is just more for, for certain people, right?

[01:09:30] Like if you have histamine issues, which if you have good gut bacteria, you'll. With less histamine issues cuz they will do it for you. Right. But you know, you might find like for instance, I don't eat foods with high levels of oxalates. Um, I don't eat foods with high levels of glutamic acids and things like that.

[01:09:45] I can do it now because my gut microbiome allows me to, if I were to eat food, there are certain foods that if I ate them, you know, it would completely throw vegetables, completely knock me out. I can eat them now because my gut microbiome, not only can you [01:10:00] detoxify them, but can then balance what's, what's what I'm absorbing.

[01:10:03] But you know, you work your way into it slowly. Not all, not all vegetables are, are friendly for humans and you have to know which ones to do. Now. The other thing is the fruits and vegetables we've been eating. They're quite different from what they were a thousand years ago. Right. We have been, um, uh, uh, raising these, um, in such a way that we have been selecting for fruit.

[01:10:28] That's very sweet and not bitter. So we're selecting for high sugar and the bitter is where all the medicinals. So we're, we're making our food less medicinal and sweeter. Um, and the other thing is, you know, when you eat food in a, in a, in a supermarket, it's, it's all rotting, right? I mean, you go have a fresh blueberry off for blueberry Bush, and then you try eating the one that you find in the store, the ones in the store.

[01:10:51] They're good, but they're kind of mealy, you know, they've been sitting around in three days to get to you. Um, they don't have the flavor, they don't have the intensity. And part of what they lose is when fruit and vegetables, [01:11:00] when they're harvested, they lose the essential oils, which are the things that the plants use to protect themselves against viruses, fungus, parasites, and bacteria, and cancer.

[01:11:07] Cuz they have the same issues we do. Right? So when you eat food, that's old instead of supermarket, that's already a couple days old, you've lost the medic, the medicine of the essential oils. You've lost the medicine of the bitters because it's been selected out by breeding and you've RA or you're eating something that's very high sugar.

[01:11:23] So we have another product that, oh, I got it over here. It's called Soin. And what that is is this nasty mix of essential oils and bitter. Oh, God that I

[01:11:35] Curt Mercadante: took that right. That's in the clearing phase, right? Yeah. Yeah. And that was, did I taste, was it like Rosemary? There was something that really stuck with me.

[01:11:43] Spencer Feldman: Oh yeah. I mean, there's a lot of things in there. Yeah. There's uh, like five different essential oils and, and, and two of the most bitter agents that you can possibly take. Uh, and so, you know, not on it, it's, if you want to be paleo, you need to be adding essential oils and bitters back [01:12:00] into your food, because that's what some, that's what you would've been eating on a real primitive diet.

[01:12:05] Uh, and so, right. So our clearing phase, basically, what, what, what, um, what I suggest is, you know, a couple of days of, um, essential oils and bidders, and maybe some electric acid to, to try to support the body in dealing with the bacteria, that shouldn't be. And then before you start growing the stuff there should be.

[01:12:24] And do we have time to talk about SIBO or no? Yeah. Yeah. I

[01:12:27] Curt Mercadante: just, I gotta, I have a hard out here in about 12 minutes.

[01:12:30] Spencer Feldman: Okay. So, you know, SIBO is a, a huge issue. And, uh, basically let me see if I can find my notes on this. Um, what SIBO is, is, uh, it's bacteria growing in a small intestine. Now you should have most of your bacteria in the large intestine.

[01:12:45] You should only have like a, you know, a 1000th of what's in the large intestine should be in the small intestine, but a lot of people end up with it in there and it overgrows. And then, you know, they start having dysbiosis and future factor in the small intestine. So let me see if I can whip through this one really quick.

[01:12:59] [01:13:00] Or would you wanna do this on like a, a slower one on a, on a, on a follow up?

[01:13:04] Um,

[01:13:04] Curt Mercadante: yeah. Why, why don't we do it now and then we'll have you back.

[01:13:07] Spencer Feldman: Okay. So, um, there are seven. I I'll just go over. Real real quick. And then we can get into depth in another one. Yeah. Um, I don't think of SIBO as something that some people have and some people don't, it's a continuum.

[01:13:19] Everybody has some degree of bacterial overgrowth in their small intestines because almost nobody is living a primitive life in a healthy manner. Right. So the question is, how much of this do we have? So, you know, um, there are seven protections that we get. There's a stomach acid that keep that, uh, disinfect the food, going into the gut there's bile, which has a detergent effect on the bacteria, um, and triggers the FXR receptors in the ileum.

[01:13:44] There's the pancreas, which is secreting enzymes. There's the Ilios valve, which is this valve that is halfway between like, sort of like the prominence on the front of your pelvic bone to the right and your belly button. And if that area is, uh, tender, when you, when you rub it in there, or if you got kicked too many times an MMA there, [01:14:00] um, you could have a problem with the earlies sequel valve.

[01:14:03] Um, we can get into that. Um, So the only valve is what's supposed to keep the bacteria from your large intestine shooting back up. Uh, and then, um, you've got paralysis of your gut from, um, from methane production. Um, there's a lot of things that can end up putting bacteria into your small intestine. And when you have that, you can't take panacea orally to start.

[01:14:29] Cause what it'll do is it'll feed the good back. Um, Allegro saccharides will feed the good bacteria in your large intestine, but they'll also feed the bacteria in your small intestine. And even though if there are good back, even though the bacteria might be good in the small intestine, they still don't belong there.

[01:14:42] Right? A good bacteria in the wrong place is still the wrong thing. So if somebody has Sebo, then the protocol is a little bit different. What they have to do is do the clearing protocol, but take the panacea rectally. They have to get a 35 CC catheter, hip syringe. You can buy those on Amazon, fill it up with a warm, slightly [01:15:00] salted water, kind of mild saline and the panacea, shake it up and inject it and lay in your back and kind of roll, roll back and forth.

[01:15:06] Put your feet up, try to get it across the length of your gut. Cause what we're trying to do is we're trying to regrow the, the microbiome of the, of the large intestine without flaring up the Sebo. And then what you do is you do that for a while. You go on a Sebo protocol, clear out the swelling test, and then you can start taking it orally and the kind of SIBO trick.

[01:15:24] And we can talk about part the next.

[01:15:27] Curt Mercadante: Yeah. Yeah. Spencer, I wanna thank you so much. There there's so much here. And, and I, I, I was looking at timings because I'm gonna go back at certain times and, and I, I, I was listening, so I didn't take notes, but there's things, you know, for me that I'm gonna do, you know, we have a number of groups.

[01:15:41] We have men's retreats. Uh, we're gonna present all of this to everyone because in two weeks it's transformed me, uh, from constantly, honestly being worried about when I have to go to the bathroom. Mm-hmm , you know, when you have a gut issue that ha I haven't felt that in about a week and a half, um, And as [01:16:00] I mentioned, just mentally, uh, but also physically, and as I add some of these things really gonna incorporate it for myself, but also share it.

[01:16:06] We're gonna put a link to remedy link. We're gonna put a link to the protocol in the show notes, everything, the blog post I'm gonna lay out the, you know, we're gonna link to all those and definitely want to have you back. Uh, you know, after labor day, when we get back from Italy, I'll let you know how that went.

[01:16:21] I'll, I'll be substituting, probably canal beans for Zuki beans. So I'll let you know how that goes, but Spencer, I wanna thank you so much for coming on the show today.

[01:16:29] Spencer Feldman: Oh, thanks. So let me leave you with one last thing. Yeah. Um, we've heard of leaky gut, which is created by Lin and lipo polysaccharides from, um, just by us.

[01:16:38] I said a bad microbiome and it causes the gut to leak and stuff gets into the. What we'll talk about in the next talk is how, if you have a leaky gut, which most of us do, you've also got a leaky blood brain barrier. And basically the fecal matter from the gut is getting out of, and all those nasty metabolites from future ction are getting into the bloodstream and they're crossing the blood brain barrier.

[01:16:58] So, you know what you find [01:17:00] when you fix the microbiome and you fix the gut is not only do you seal the, the, the leaky gut, you seal the blood brain barrier, the bla the brain is unable to detoxify itself and, and protect itself. And you just find that your mind is sharper and calmer and less stressful.

[01:17:13] It's, it's a, it's a really amazing upgrade. What I would conclude with saying Kurt is that the microbiome is an ancient intelligence with a lineage going back 3.5 billion years. It is a very powerful ally. It's been with you since guiding you since, before you were born, it has so much to offer you. It is the ultimate human upgrade.

[01:17:34] And all it's asking for is just feed it a little bit of food that it likes. Just feed of it. Some, a LIGO saccharides and it will give you gifts. You can't imagine.

[01:17:45] Curt Mercadante: Well, I'm, I'm, I'm Testament to that in just a week and a half, and we're gonna keep it up. We'll have you back in September, Spencer. Thanks so much for being on the freedom media network.

[01:17:53] Spencer Feldman: Thanks for having me, Curt.

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