What is Personal Breathing BioFeedback Assessment & Training?
Capnotraining is a unique style of biofeedback that measures exhaled CO2 levels, heart rate, heart-rate variability and muscle tension (EMG). Exhaled CO2 corresponds directly with CO2 levels in the bloodstream. Per details provided in the FAQ’s, maintaining a proper CO2 level is critical to interstitial fluid pH, dilation of blood vessels for better blood flow, dilation of smooth muscles in the gut and bronchial tract, electrolyte balance, O2 delivery and more.
Capnometry provides a direct window into physiology and allows the client to see how changes in breathing affect changes in CO2 levels, heart-rate, HRV and EMG.
Assessments and training on a capnotrainer are very effective for modifying sub-par breathing or objectively determining respiratory fitness improvement gains — those that support health, performance and well-being. RF training with a simple to use home-based biofeedback device is typically provided as homework to shrink the number of captaining sessions required to bring physiology back into balance.
Capnotraining also measures heart-rate and heart rate variability — providing a window into the health of one’s cardiovascular fitness. EMG is yet another measurement offered on the Capnotrainer, allowing (if need be) for the down training of muscle tension in the head or body. Clinical use of biofeedback has efficacy in reducing asthma symptoms, tension headaches, anxiety and occasional migraines.
Benefits of Breathing BioFeedback Assessment and Training Can Include:
Improves Breathing Chemistry / Oxygenation
Accelerates Respiratory Fitness and Endurance Levels
Improves Sleep
Decreases Inhaled Pollutants and Chem-trails
Reduces Heart and Blood Pressure Issues
Reduces Asthma Symptoms
Reduces Allergies
Reduces Panic and Anxiety
Enhances Meditation
Decreases Brain-fog
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